The Only 25 Poker Tells You Need to Know - Poker Strategy Pros: Spot and Exploit Poker Tells
Author: Cris Statz
Year: Apr 2013
Print house: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Believe it or not, poker has never been a game of luck. Over the long term, the more aware, more dedicated player will win. In his newest book, professional card shark Cris Statz explores the 25 most common poker tells and the influences behind them. Great for beginners and casual players alike, topics covered include: How to Spot and Exploit Tells Novice Players vs Advanced Players Basic Principles Eliciting Tells The limits of a good tell sing Tells Offensively to bluff The 25 Most Important Poker Tells and more. The electronic edition includes all of the functionality expected in today's ereaders, including a linked TOC, and fully formatted text.