Vincent Wan checked on fourth with his showing. Con Angelakis fired a bet with and then Leo Boxell raised with his showing. Wan then reraised with just a five and a deuce. Angelakis foled and Boxell called.
Boxell picked up the and Wan the . Wan bet after Boxell checked and Boxell called.
Wan then picked up the on sixth and fired into Boxell again, who picked up the . Boxell mucked and Wan showed that he had deuces in the hole and improved to a full house.
Leo Boxell just raised a bet from Peter Smyth when Smyth had a pair of jacks showing on his pair. Boxell's board only had ace high on it. After Smyth folded, Boxell showed just a pair of fours for the bluff and raked in the 30,000-chip pot.
Luke McLean just put the last of his money in with an open-ended straight draw against Leo Boxell who held trip fives on fourth street. Boxell filled up on fifth and then made quads on sixth street so it didn't matter whether or not McLean made his straight.
Boxell now has 95,000 chips and we're on the bubble.
Con Angelakis just hit trip sixes on seventh to crack Luke McLean's aces up. McLean looks to be a little tilted and is pacing back and forth away from the table.
Angelakis is up to 100,000 and McLean down to 30,000.
Peter Smyth is up to 159,000 and cruising with the chip lead. He's the only person over 100,000 at the final table. Smyth just had rolled up fours and showed the table after Con Angelakis folded on fifth street.
Emmanouel Sideridis was just eliminated on one of the first hands at the final table. Sideridis went to the final table with only 10,000 chips and was eliminated quickly.
Shortly thereafter, Matt Grapenthien was sent to the rail.
The final table has been set with the elimination of one player in the first hand back from the dinner break. Here's how the table looks.
Seat 1: Con Angelakis
Seat 2: Leo Boxell
Seat 3: Luke McLean
Seat 4: Emmanouel Sideridis
Seat 5: Peter Smyth
Seat 6: Matt Grapethien
Seat 7: Vincent Wan
Seat 8: Vic Thorton