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2010 Aussie Millions

Event 6: $1,100 H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 1
Event Info

2010 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
27,300 AUD
Event Info
1,000 AUD
Prize Pool
91,000 AUD
Level Info
0 / 0

Kastle Krumbles


The action folded around to Casey Kastle who raised preflop, leaving only around 1,000 behind. The small blind folded and Rostislav Tsodikov reraised Kastle all in. Kastle called all in and the cards were revealed:

Tsodikov: {a-Spades}{5-Diamonds}
Kastle: {q-Clubs}{j-Hearts}

The board was spread {q-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds} - Kastle was sent to the rail in tenth place, much to the relief of Oliver Gill. "I'm free, I can start talking again!" he remarked.

The players are now hand-for-hand for the final table.

Tags: Casey KastleRostislav Tsodikov

Level: 14

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Kastle Being Renovated


Casey Kastle was all in by fourth against Paul Ramondetta.

Kastle: {9-Clubs} {5-Spades} {A-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds} {9-?} {3-?}
Ramondetta: {3-Clubs} {A-Hearts} {2-Spades} {5-?} {J-?} {K-?} {J-?}

During this hand, there was a slight problem as the dealer did not burn after 5th, giving Kastle the {Q-Clubs} instead of the {10-Diamonds}, the latter being the burn card. Kastle looked to be heading out the door but his two pair scooped the pot, doubling up the dealer almost pushing the chips the wrong way.

After the hand, Kastle was still cross, blaming the non-stop chattering of Oliver Gill for the dealer not being able to concentrate and making mistakes, Kastle then firmly told Gill to be quiet.

Casey Not King Of Kastle


Paul Ramondetta: {Q-Hearts} {J-Clubs} {5-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds}
Casey Kastle: {K-Hearts} {4-Clubs} {J-Hearts} {9-Diamonds}

Ramondetta fired the whole way down with Kastle refusing to go away. On 7th though, Ramondetta fired once more and Kastle looked disgusted, folding the {K-Spades} face up. He's crippled as a result though.

Joannou Takes A Chunk From Brown


Joannou: {3-?} {9-?} {K-?} {A-?}
Brown: {8-?} {10-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {9-?}

Andrew Brown is struggling, he called a bet on 6th from John Joannou but then Joannou fired again on 7th and former bracelet winner tanked for a good five minutes. He apologised twice to the table for taking so long, but no-one minded.

Eventually he got Joannou to agree to show and folded, Joannou showed {2-?} {5-?} {8-?} for 8-5-3-2-A.

Level: 13

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Guzzardi Gobbled Up


Michael Guzzardi: {7-?}{6-?}{5-?}{3-?}{2-?}
Rob Campbell: {6-?}{5-?}{3-?}{2-?}{j-?}[x]{4-?}

The money had moved all in the middle on sixth street with Guzzardi the shorter of the two stacks. Needing to peel an ace to win or a four to chop on seventh street, neither appeared for 'TheBigSiCko' - he's out.

Campbell is up to 84,000 in chips.

Tags: Michael GuzzardiRob Campbell

Thariq Ahmed Eliminated

Omaha Hi-Lo

Michael Guzzardi, John Joannou and Thariq Ahmed capped the betting three-ways into a flop that read {a-Clubs}{7-Spades}{5-Hearts} before Guzzardi moved all in on the turn of the {j-Spades}.

Ahmed called all-in, Ahmed also called and the cards were tabled:

Joannou: {k-Clubs}{6-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}
Guzzardi: {a-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}
Ahmed: {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{4-?}{3-Diamonds}

Joannou took half for the high, Guzzardi took half for the low and Ahmed took a trip out the door.

Tags: Michael GuzzardiThariq Ahmed

Bell Tolling For Rob

Omaha Hi-Lo

Rob Campbell just took another hit, getting quartered by John Joannou.

Both checked the river of the {Q-Clubs} {8-Clubs} {6-Clubs} {5-Diamonds} {9-Clubs} board.

Joannou showed {A-Clubs} {Q-Spades} {2-Spades} {6-Diamonds} for the nut low with Queens up beating Campbell's {A-Hearts} {2-Diamonds} {5-Hearts} {6-Hearts} for a smaller two pair.

Meanwhile on the other table Oliver Gill scooped a large pot flipping {A-?} {5-?} {10-?} {10-?} which proved too good for anyone else on an {3-?} {7-?} {10-?} {10-?} {2-?} board.