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2011 Aussie Millions

Event #19: No-Limit Hold'em - Bounties
Day: 2
Event Info

2011 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
80,500 AUD
Event Info
1,500 AUD
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Kozlov Loses Lead

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 2,000 ante

When Gerasimos Deres raised from the button, Martin Kozlov would re-raise and send another 61,000 chip decision to Deres. Deres would then slide in a large stack of chips, enough for a 100,000 or so raise. Kozlov then announced he was allin and Deres would make the call.

Deres: {9-Clubs}{9-Hearts}
Kozlov: {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}

With the flop turning over {4-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{j-Clubs}, Dered would need a club or he would be going home. The turn card rolled over the {2-Clubs} and Kozlov would take his first big hit of the match.

Deres now takes a slight chip lead over Kozlov for the first time.

Tags: Gerasimos DeresMartin Kozlov

Kozlov Takes Big Lead

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 2,000 ante

The first big hand of heads up play has just occured with Martin Kozlov coming out the victor and surging ahead of Gerasimos Deres.

Kozlov would make it 40,000 from the button and Deres would make the call as the {7s6cjs} rolled off on the flop. A check from Deres led to a 32,000 chip bet from Kozlov. Deres then check-raised to 88,000 and Kozlove made the call.

The {9-Hearts} on the turn saw a bet of 129,000 from Deres and Kozlov made the call to send the {9-Clubs} on the river.

Deres slowed down on the river and checked, as did Kozlov behind him.

Kozlov: {j-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Deres: {j-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}

The queen in Kozlov's hand would play and he would take down the pot to leave Deres with around 670,000 while Kozlov sits with around 1,600,000.


Tags: Gerasimos DeresMartin Kozlov

Mel Judah Eliminated in 3rd Place (AUD$40,000)

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 2,000 ante
Mel Judah
Mel Judah

Legend Mel Judah open-shipped for 280,000 on the button. Unceremoniously, Marin Kozlov called in the small blind. Gerasimos Deres ducked out of the way, and Judah got the bad news.

Judah: {6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}
Kozlov: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}

Judah successfully called for cards several times at the final table, but perhaps he knew no six was coming, because this time, he didn't bother asking. The board ran out {a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{9-Spades}{5-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}, and that was all she wrote for Judah. He began the day eighth in chips and managed to hang on all the way to third place and a $40,000 payday. Judah also made the final table of another Aussie Millions prelim, finishing seventh for $6,040 in the $1,000 PLO event. His performance in the last two weeks puts him just shy of $3.3 million in live tournament cashes.

Judah tossed the lanyard with his $1,000 bounty to Kozlov, who raised it over his head triumphantly. "I feel like I've won the tournament already!" he declared. "So that means I have maybe a 10 percent chance of winning now?" Deres asked.

Tags: Gerasimos DeresMartin KozlovMel Judah

Deres Gaining Steam

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 2,000 ante

"I just want to play Mel Judah heads up, I'm not gonna lie," Martin Kozlov admitted. "Then every hand we'll be contesting the bounty." But that's looking less and less likely.

As Kozlov was talking, Judah raised to 46,000 on the button. Kozlov folded, and Gerasimos Deres called out of the big blind. The {10-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} got a check from Deres, and Judah checked behind. The {2-Clubs} paired the board and kicked off the action. Deres bet 57,000. Judah responded by raising a towering stack of yellows, a bet worth around 140,000.

Deres sat frozen for a minute before announcing all in. Judah shook his head and mucked. He's back to short again with 275,000. Deres is up to 900,000 and threatening Kozlov's lead.

Tags: Gerasimos DeresMartin KozlovMel Judah

Level: 22

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 2,000

Break Down

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 1,000 ante

The final three are on a 15-minute break, though they may be back in action before then if all agree.

Judah the Deck Whisperer

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 1,000 ante
Mel Judah
Mel Judah

Mel Judah raised to 32,000 from the small blind, and slowly Martin Kozlov made it 66,000 in the big blind. Judah moved all in for 282,000 total, and Kozlov snap-called.

Judah: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}
Kozlov: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}

"Good luck, Mel," Kozlov said. Judah had just finished sincerely praising Kozlov's command of the final table, and Kozlov seemed like he really meant it. Well, maybe not quite literally.

The {q-Spades} in the door got a murmur from both. "Need a club!" Judah said, looking at the {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} flop without concern. The dealer brought him the {2-Clubs}. "And another one," Judah requested. And there it was. The {k-Clubs} on the river.

Mel Judah went runner-runner to make the nut flush and double up through Kozlov's set of queens. He's up to 460,000 after grinding 10-15 big blinds all afternoon. Kozlov is still the chip leader with 1.2 million.

Tags: Mel JudahMartin Kozlov

Jai Kemp Eliminated in 4th Place (AUD$32,000)

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 1,000 ante
Jai Kemp - 4th Place
Jai Kemp - 4th Place

With chip leader Martin Kozlov on the button play would be folded around to him as he threw in a min-raise. Jai Kemp would make the flat call from the small blind and we would see the flop.

Flop: {4-Spades}{9-Spades}{q-Clubs}

Kemp elected to check and Kozlov would bet 21,000. With the action back on Kemp he check-raised to 63,000. Kozlov then thought for some time before sliding in a raise with a stack of 5,000 denomination chips. Kemp then instantly announced his allin, to which Kozlov instantly called.

Kemp: {a-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}
Kozlov: {4-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}

Somewhat of a cooler for Kemp as he tabled his aces in disgust at the sight of Kozlov's set.

The turn and river bricked and with Kemp having his cracked he would be sent home in 4th place for a AUD$32,000 score.

Kozlov's dominating chip lead continues to grow as he has

Tags: Jai KempMartin Kozlov