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2024 Champions Club Winter Poker Open

$1,100 PLO Championship
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 Champions Club Winter Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Wieland and Daly Take Turns Making Their Draws

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 20,000 ante

Jason Daly raised to 100,000 on the button with a ragged 8?6?5?4? and got called by Carson Wieland in the small blind with K?K?10?3?.

The flop came 10?8?7? giving Daly an open-ender and Wieland a flush draw. The players both checked though, and the 4? fell on the turn, giving Daly his straight.

Wieland check-called a bet of 225,000 from Daly and the A? river now gave Wieland his flush. Wieland chose to bet 700,000 with the winning hand, which sent Daly into the tank for a couple of minutes.

After talking through the hand, Daly found a fold and sent the pot to Wieland.

Wieland would take another pot from Daly shortly after, as he passed the two million chip mark and closed in on the chip lead himself.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Wieland us
Carson Wieland

Tags: Carson WielandJason Daly

George Abi-Zeid Eliminated in 6th Place ($7,860)

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 20,000 ante
George Abi-Zeid
George Abi-Zeid

Jason Daly limped his small blind with K?J?8?2? and George Abi-Zeid checked his option with Q?10?9?4?.

The flop came J?8?2? giving Daly bottom two pair, while Abi-Zeid had an open-ended straight draw and a backdoor flush draw.

After Daly checked, Abi-Zeid bet 40,000. Daly responded with a check-raise to 220,000, which after some thought, Abi-Zeid called.

The 6? turn gave Abi-Zeid an added flush draw, but Daly potted it again to the tune of 540,000. Abi-Zeid thought again and then called for most of his stack, leaving just 300,000 behind.

The river would be a disaster for Abi-Zeid, as the 2? gave him his flush, but Daly now had a full house.

Daly went all in and Abi-Zeid called his last 300,000 having made his draw, but it would be the last call of his day as he was sent home in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
WSOP 1X Winner
George Abi-Zeid us
George Abi-Zeid

Tags: George Abi-ZeidJason Daly

Level: 23

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 20,000

Ray Henson Doubles Through Thai Ha

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 15,000 ante

Ray Henson got his last 310,000 in from the small blind over Thai Ha in the cutoff. Ha called to put him at risk.

Ray Henson: K?K?6?4?
Thai Ha: Q?J?10?9?

The flop came A?6?4? giving Henson a bigger lead with bottom two pair. The turn 9? gave Ha a pair with outs now to a bigger two pair, but the 3? on the river was safe for Henson to double him up.

Player Chips Progress
Thai Ha vn
Thai Ha
WSOP 1X Winner
Ray Henson us
Ray Henson

Tags: Ray HensonThai Ha

Sung Keem Eliminated in 7th Place ($6,600)

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 15,000 ante
Sung Keem
Sung Keem

Sung Keem raised to 120,000 off his short stack in the hijack with K?10?9?7?. He got called by Thai Ha in the small blind with Q?Q?3?3?, and by Danylo Turov in the big blind with J?J?5?2?.

The flop came K?4?3?, giving Ha bottom set which he checked. Turov checked as well and Sung moved all in for 235,000 with his top pair and a flush draw.

Ha check-potted it and Turov folded to leave Ha to the potential elimination of Keem.

The turn brought the A?, giving Keem his flush to take the lead, but he'd need to fade the board pairing.

He couldn't do so though as the river came with the K?, giving Ha a winning full house to thin the field to six and regain his chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Thai Ha vn
Thai Ha
WSOP 1X Winner
Sung Keem us
Sung Keem

Tags: Danylo TurovSung KeemThai Ha

Carson Wieland Doubles Through Jason Daly

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 15,000 ante

Carson Wieland limped off a short stack under the gun with A?A?K?10? and got three calls, including Jason Daly on the button with 5?4?3?3?.

The flop came 10?5?4? and Daly now had two pair. Wieland potted it for 135,000 which only Daly called.

On the K? turn, giving Wieland a better two pair, he moved all in for 310,000 and Daly called.

The river 7? changed nothing and Wieland doubled through Daly with the better two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Wieland us
Carson Wieland

Tags: Carson WielandJason Daly

Kevin Kaylor Eliminated in 8h Place ($5,850)

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 15,000 ante
Kevin Kaylor
Kevin Kaylor

After Ray Henson raised in early position to 120,000, Kevin Kaylor called on the button for his remaining 105,000.

The blinds folded and Kaylor was at risk.

Kevin Kaylor: K?J?10?9?
Ray Henson: A?A?9?9?

The dealer spread a flop of A?K?8? giving Henson top set and a gutshot to Kaylor.

The board completed 8?8? as Henson's aces full eliminated Kaylor in eighth place.

Player Chips Progress
Ray Henson us
Ray Henson
Kevin Kaylor us
Kevin Kaylor

Tags: Kevin KaylorRay Henson

Level: 22

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 15,000

Daly Messes Around and Makes a Straight to Approach Chip Lead

Level 21 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 10,000 ante

Four ways to a limped flop of A?4?5?, Jason Daly checked his K?J?7?5? in the small blind.

Sung Keem checked in the big blind and Carson Wieland bet 70,000 with A?A?9?8? having flopped top set in early position.

Ray Henson folded the button, Daly made the call, and Keem folded.

On the 6? turn, Daly check-called a bet of 110,000 to see the 8? fall on the river, giving him a straight.

Daly checked again and Wieland bet 305,000 holding the A? amidst his set.

Daly thought for a couple of minutes, telling Wieland that he was just messing around and made a straight.

Ultimately he called and his straight was good to boost his stack over two million and push him toward Thai Ha's chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Wieland us
Carson Wieland

Tags: Carson WielandJason DalyRay HensonSung KeemThai Ha

Kaylor Survives After Big Laydown

Level 21 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 10,000 ante

Kevin Kaylor raised to 100,000 in the cutoff with K?K?8?2? and got called by Danylo Turov in the big blind with A?Q?10?10?.

The flop came 10?8?5? giving Turov top set. He potted it, and with Kaylor holding just 210,000 behind, he thought about whether to call it off or not.

After about a minute in the tank, Kaylor folded his overpair to dodge a bullet and stay alive despite a shrinking stack.

Player Chips Progress
Danylo Turov ua
Danylo Turov
Kevin Kaylor us
Kevin Kaylor

Tags: Danylo TurovKevin Kaylor