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2010 PokerStars.it EPT San Remo

Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.it EPT San Remo

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Boeree Back in the Lead

Boeree - unreadable
Boeree - unreadable
Liv Boeree raised her button to a modest 550,000 and Jakob Carlsson called. He check-called 675,000 from Boeree on the {2-Clubs} {10-Clubs} {A-Spades} flop, and another 1,325,000 on the {5-Spades} turn. Come the {J-Spades} river he checked again, and this time Boeree fired 2.8 million. Eventually Carlsson called, but it was to discover that his {A-?} {8-?} was no good against Boeree's {3-Hearts} {4-Hearts} for a straight, and once he'd paid up, Boeree was once again at a chip advantage.

Tags: Jakob CarlssonLiv Boeree

Carlsson Can't Straighten Out

Liv Boeree limped in from the button, and Jakob Carlsson knocked the table for a free flop.

It came down {5-Hearts} {7-Clubs} {5-Diamonds}, and Boeree called a bet from Carlsson. The {J-Clubs} turn drew another bet from Carlsson, 700,000 this time. Boeree thought it over carefully before coming along with another smooth call.

The {2-Clubs} filled out the board. Carlsson slowly checked, and Boeree quickly checked behind as she leaned over the table to see the showdown. Carlsson reluctantly flipped up his {6-?} {8-?} airball, and Boeree's {Q-?} {7-?} earned her the pot with sevens up.

Tags: Jakob CarlssonLiv Boeree

Boeree Unloads A Clip

Jakob Carlsson raised to 600,000 preflop from the button and Boeree smooth-called.

Flop: {5-Clubs} {J-Diamonds} {4-Spades}

Boeree led out for 750,000 on the flop and Carlsson made the call. The turn was the {2-Diamonds} and Boeree fired out 1,700,000 and again Carlsson flat-called.

The {A-Spades} came on the river (as it usually does) and Boeree put out a huge bet of 3,500,000. Carlsson mucked and the stacks are almost even again.

Carlsson Takes the Lead

Carlsson - back in pole position
Carlsson - back in pole position
Jakob Carlsson raised his button and Liv Boeree made the call so everyone got to see a flop.

Flop: {8-Clubs} {3-Clubs} {9-Clubs}

Boeree check-called 700,000 from Carlsson, and they moved on to see a turn.

Turn: {8-Spades}

Boeree checked again and Carlsosn bet once more, this time to the tune of 1.6 million. Boeree paused, before raising to 3.6 million - but then was left with a big decision when Carlsson quietly announced a three-bet all in. Boeree asked for a count - it was 16.3 million - but folded.

With that, Carlsson is up to 22.5 million while Boeree is now in second place with around 14 million.

Tags: Jakob CarlssonLiv Boeree

Carlsson Brings It Almost Even

Jakob Carlsson raised preflop to 600,000 but folded when Liv Boeree made it 1,600,000 to play.

The next hand and Boeree made it 550,000 from the button but Carlsson reraised to 1,700,000 in the big blind.

Boeree called but the hand got no further than the {9-Clubs} {7-Spades} {5-Hearts} flop where Carlsson bet 1,900,000 on the flop and Boeree folded.

Carlsson: 17,600,000
Boeree: 19,675,000

Boeree Tries It On

Liv Boeree raised to 550,000 from the button and Jakob Carlsson called. They saw a flop.

Flop: {10-Hearts} {K-Clubs} {3-Clubs}

Both players checked, and they saw a turn card as well.

Turn: {2-Clubs}

Carlsson now bet out a smallish 700,000. Boeree called, and they progressed to the river.

River: {10-Diamonds}

Carlsson checked this time, and Boeree bet 1.3 million. Carlsson considered for a little while, and then called - and Boeree immediately mucked her hand, sending the pot Carlsson's way.

Tags: Jakob CarlssonLiv Boeree

Stop! Hammer Time

Sadly there is a real lack of parachute pants in the house today, but either way there's a bit of a pause in the action right now.

Our two heads-upsers will return shortly for the thrilling denouement of EPT San Remo.

Toni Pettersson Eliminated in 3rd Place (�420,000)

Toni Pettersson - 3rd place
Toni Pettersson - 3rd place
Toni Pettersson opened to 650,000 on the button and Jakob Carlsson folded his small blind. Big blind Liv Boeree, however, made it 1.5 million to go. Call.

Flop: {4-Spades} {K-Diamonds} {3-Spades}

This was the point at which everything went mad. Boeree bet out 1.5 million and after a pause, Pettersson made it 3.2 million to go. Boeree looked him up and down for a long, long time, before announcing all in, barely covering the Finn - who insta-called. They turned their hands over.

"F***," said Pettersson, with feeling.

Pettersson: {K-Hearts} {Q-Diamonds} for top pair
Boeree: {3-Clubs} {3-Hearts} for a set

Turn: {A-Diamonds}

River: {6-Hearts}

The 18 year old Pettersson takes home �420,000 - not bad for his first ever live tournament.

Boeree meanwhile takes the heads-up chip lead on 23,215,000 to Jakob Carlsson's 13,965,000.

Tags: Liv BoereeToni Pettersson