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2014 PokerStars.fr EPT Deauville

�5,300 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.fr EPT Deauville

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Start ��Talking Poker�� with Kristy on Learn.PokerNews

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Learn.PokerNews provides a variety of strategy advice and tips for beginning players as well as for those with more experience.

Among the regular features on Learn.PokerNews is Kristy Arnett's ��Talking Poker�� series in which she focuses on a particular term or concept, giving a clear definition with examples and then sharing further insight from pros in video discussions. Click and learn.

Tags: Kristy ArnettLearn.PokerNews

Katchalov Traps on the Turn

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Katchalov raised on the button with {k-Hearts}{9-Clubs} and Koutoupas called with {a-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. The flop was {6-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{7-Spades}. Pair for Koutoupas who checked and Katchalov continued the aggression with a bet of 200,000. Koutoupas made the call. The turn was {k-Spades} and both players checked. River {10-Diamonds} and now Koutoupas bet 300,000. Katchalov made the call and his top pair was good.

Tags: Eugene KatchalovSotirios Koutoupas

Katchalov Wins Biggest Pot of Heads-Up So Far

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov

It might have only been a two million chip pot but Eugene Katchalov has closed the gap on Sotirios Koutoupas. There was only 500,000 in the pot by the river of a {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs}{K-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{K-Spades} board and Koutoupas went for the bluff with {8-Spades}{2-Clubs} unfortunately for him Katchalov had {A-Spades}{8-Clubs} and was going nowhere. He just called and took the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Sotirios Koutoupas gr
Sotirios Koutoupas
EPT 1X Winner
Eugene Katchalov ua
Eugene Katchalov

Koutoupas Has it All the Way

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Eugene Katchalov raised the button with {5-Diamonds} and an unknown card. Sotirios Koutoupas called with {q-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and they saw a flop of {q-Spades}{5-Spades}{6-Spades}. Koutoupas checked and called a bet of 200,000 from Katchalov. The turn card was the {8-Diamonds} and again Koutoupas check called with his top pair, this time a bet of 325,000. The river was {7-Hearts} and Koutoupas checked his straight. Katchalov checked and the pot was sent the way of Koutoupas.

One for Koutoupas

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

No big pots as yet in this heads-up battle but Sotirios Koutoupas has got some back. He called with {K-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} from the big blind after Eugene Katchalov raised to 200,000 from the button with {A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}. The Greek player outflopped Katchalov on the {6-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{2-Clubs} flop. It checked to Katchalov, he bet 200,000 and Koutoupas called.

There was no further betting on the {4-Clubs} turn or {Q-Clubs} river and Koutoupas won the pot.

Tags: Eugene KatchalovSotirios Koutoupas

Brits' Bust Brings Koutoupas-Katchalov Clash

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Heads-up play begins
Heads-up play begins

With three players among the final five, the U.K. was hoping to secure a second EPT title this season after Tom Middleton's triumph at EPT10 Barcelona. But Sotirios Koutoupas took care of all three, setting up this heads-up battle with the Triple Crown-seeking Eugene Katchalov. Both have come close to EPT greatness before, as told on the PokerStars blog.

Tags: PokerStars

First Three-Bet

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Sotirios Koutoupas just made the first three-bet of heads-up play, he raised to 450,000 with {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts} and Eugene Katchalov, who had opened to 200,000 on the button with pocket fives called. On the {8-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{K-Spades} flop a continuation bet of 350,000 from Koutoupas was enough to get it done.

Tags: Eugene KatchalovSotirios Koutoupas

First Blood to Katchalov

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov

On the first hand of heads-up play Sotirios Koutoupas raised to 200,000 with {J-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and Eugene Katchalov defended with {A-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}. On the {6-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{A-Hearts} flop Koutoupas bet 150,000 and Katchalov called. The {10-Hearts} fell on the turn, Katchalov led for 350,000 and Koutoupas folded.

Two hands later Koutourpas made the same pre-flop raise with {Q-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and Katchalov called with {J-Spades}{10-Diamonds}. On the {J-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{9-Spades} flop Koutoupas c-bet 150,000 and Katchalov just called. The {9-Diamonds} turn gave Katchalov a full-house, he checked and so did Koutoupas. On the {3-Diamonds} river Katchalov led for 400,000 and Koutoupas folded.

Tags: Eugene KatchalovSotirios Koutoupas