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2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Barcelona

€5,300 Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Barcelona

Final Results
Andre Lettau
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000

Action From Negreanu’s Table

Level 3 : 100/200, 0 ante
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

We watched the table Daniel Negreanu is at for a while and he was mostly on his phone, but there were a couple of interesting hands involving the man whose seat he was originally sat in, Ayaz Manji.

Manji is an EPT regular who is frequently good natured and occasionally volatile at the tables. There was an open to 450 from early position setting off a cascade of callers and when it got to Manji in the big blind he declared, “Donation eh? Donation.” and put in the calling chips.

Five players saw a flop of {2-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{7-Spades}. The blinds checked and the original raiser continued for 400 picking up two callers before it got to the player in the small blind who raised to 1,500. Manji looked annoyed by this development and took a few seconds to muck his hand. The original raiser folded but one of the callers raised to 4,400. Back to the small blind he threw his hand away. “Set of sixes?” Manji asked the winner who confusingly shook his head before showing {6-}{6-}. Manji then berated the player in the small blind telling him he had a flush draw and was forced to fold.

On the next hand Manji was in the small blind against the player he had berated who had limped. Manji raised, Negreanu folded and button limper called. The flop was {j-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}. Manji bet 500 and got a call. On the turn {5-Diamonds} Manji check-called a bet of 700 and the both checked the {9-Spades} river.

Manji tabled {k-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} and shook his head when he saw the {j-Hearts}{6-Hearts} winner of his opponent. “Nice hand. Jack-six. Ok.”

Negreanu did join in the next hand from the small bind, a five-way limped pot, but folded to a bet.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Daniel Negreanu