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2010 PaddyPowerPoker.com Irish Poker Open

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 PaddyPowerPoker.com Irish Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Rob Sherwood Eliminated In 4th Place (€163,300)

Rob Sherwood - 4th
Rob Sherwood - 4th
Rob Sherwood was all-in preflop with his short stack and Paul Carr made the call.

Sherwood: {K-Clubs} {Q-Diamonds}
Carr: {A-Spades} {10-Spades}

The board came {A-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} and Sherwood needed one of three tens to save himself. The turn was the {3-Diamonds} and suddenly the last PaddyPower qualifier had a flush draw as well.

The river was the {K-Spades} though and we're down to three players.

Ace for Carr

Paul Carr raised to 86,000 and Santeri Valikoski made the call. On the {6-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{A-Spades} flop, Valikoski checked, Paul bet 125,000, and Valikoski called. A {J-Spades} turn led to a bet of 325,000 from Valikoski, and this time it was Carr making the call. After both players checked the {5-Spades} river, Carr took it down with an ace, although it later emerged that he initially had two pair that were counterfeited on the turn. Either way, the pot went to the fan favourite.

Tags: Paul CarrSanteri Valikoski

Not Finnished Yet

James Mitchell raised from UTG and Santeri Valikoski called on the button. The blinds fold.

Both players check the {K-Clubs} {4-Clubs} {10-Spades} and see the {7-Spades} turn. Again this is checked and the river is the {5-Diamonds}, Mitchell checked a third time and Valikoski bet 100,000 eliciting a instant fold from Englishman.

Chop Chop

Paul Carr and James Mitchell saw a {6-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} flop in the blinds. Both players checked, only for Carr to lead out for 125,000 on the {10-Diamonds} turn. Mitchell two-bet to 350,000, and, without too much hesitation, Carr slid in a chunk of black chips for a total raise to 1,000,000. A quick wave of the finger from Mitchell signified an all-in, and Carr called!

But although Carr showed {8-?}{7-?} for the turned straight, the cheers from the rail soon turned into an amalgamation of gasps and chuckles as Mitchell tabled the exact same hand.

Chop it up.

Mitchell In Star Pot

James Mitchell raised to 82,000, Paul Carr made the call.

The flop is {A-Hearts} {A-Clubs} {10-Hearts} and Carr led out with an overbet of the pot for 200,000. Mitchell minraised to 400,000. Carr instantly pushed and Mitchell called even quicker.

Carr: {K-Hearts} {4-Hearts}
Mitchell: {A-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds}

The turn rid the room of tension, it was the {A-Spades} making Mitchell quads and rendering the river {K-Diamonds} pointless. Mitchell moves up to 2,600,000 and Carr down to 3,250,000.

Level: 26

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 3,000

Carr Extends His Lead

It seem as if Carr can do no wrong at the moment. On his last hand, he called a preflop raise of 66,000 from the big blind, leading to a flop of {5-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}{3-Spades}. James Mitchell led for 79,000 and Carr called. On the {3-Spades} turn, both players checked, but come the {3-Diamonds} river, Carr bet out, and Mitchell instantly folded.