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2010 Full Tilt Poker Merit Cyprus Classic

High Roller Freeze-Out
Day: 3
Event Info

2010 Full Tilt Poker Merit Cyprus Classic

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

The Feldinator Doubles

Andrew "The Feldinator" Feldman, as he has now been deemed by his buddy and railbird Sam Trickett, called all in from the big blind for 72,000 after Perica Bukara shoved from the small blind. Bukara held the {Q-Clubs}{6-Spades} and Feldman the {A-Diamonds}{9-Spades}.

The board ran out {K-Hearts}{3-Spades}{2-Spades}{8-Spades}{5-Diamonds} and Feldman, or better known as The Feldinator from here on out, doubled up and now has 153,000 chips.

Tags: Andrew FeldmanPerica Bukara

Feldman Does the Cripple Triple

Andrew Feldman
Andrew Feldman

Andrew Feldman raised to 51,000 from the small blind against Ori Miller's big blind. Miller made the call and the two saw a flop come down {A-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{3-Spades}. Feldman was first to act and fired 63,000. Miller made the call.

Fourth street brought the {5-Clubs} and Feldman checked. Miller fired out 140,000, with Feldman making the call. Perica Bukara just sat back and watched the two shorter stacks do battle as the {3-Clubs} paired the board on the river.

Feldman checked and Miller moved all in for 413,000. Feldman made the call with the {Q-Hearts}{2-Hearts} for a wheel. Miller had the higher straight holding the {7-Spades}{6-Spades} and earned the win. He doubled up to more than 1.3 million while Feldman was crippled down to just 25,000 chips.

On the next hand, Feldman was all in for his last 22,000 from the button. That wasn't even enough to make a slight raise, it was actually less than the big blind posted by Bukara. Miller completed from the small blind and Bukara checked.

The board ran out {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{J-Spades} with Miller and Bukara checking it down. Feldman held the {Q-Hearts}{8-Hearts} for queen high and that was the best hand, earning him the triple up. Bukara won the side pot with the {10-Hearts}{2-Spades}.

Tags: Andrew FeldmanOri MillerPerica Bukara

Level: 21

Blinds: 12,000/24,000

Ante: 3,000

Full House For Bukara

Ori Miller raised to 50,000 on the button and Perica Bukara called from the small blind.

The flop and turn of the {Q-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{J-Spades}{A-Clubs}{J-Hearts} board were checked, but Bukara bet 60,000 on the river. Miller grabbed the chips to call and tried to get some information from Bukara.

"You have the straight?" Miller asked while making the call.

"Full house," said Bukara, showing {K-Spades}{K-Clubs}.

Bukara: Up to about 2,360,000
Miller: Down to about 450,000

Tags: Perica BukaraOri Miller

Feldman Shoving Some More

Miller thinks about calling as the crowd watches
Miller thinks about calling as the crowd watches

Andrew Feldman shoved from the small blind against Ori Miller's big blind. Miller looked pained as he debated whether to call or not. "I really don't care anymore," said Feldman.

After a bit, Miller folded his {K-}{4-} and Feldman showed he held the {A-Spades}{6-Clubs}.

Tags: Andrew FeldmanOri Miller

Feldman Doubles Through Miller

Andrew Feldman
Andrew Feldman

Andrew Feldman open-shoved the button for 337,000. Ori Miller was in the small blind and contemplated his decision for some time. He even said, "I have a hand that I have to call with," while tanking. He eventually made the call and Perica Bukara got out of the way.

Feldman: {A-Spades}{Q-Hearts}
Miller: {A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}

The board ran through {5-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds} and Feldman doubled up with a slap of his hands. He's now got over 700,000 again while Miller dropped back to 513,000.

Tags: Ori MillerAndrew Feldman

More Showing of Cards

Ori Miller opened the button with a raise to 50,000. Perica Bukara made it 110,000 to go from the small blind and Andrew Feldman began talking again. "So sick, this is so sick, I was going to shove," he said.

Miller flashed the {A-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and folded while Bukara showed just the {A-Clubs}. Miller and Feldman both pleaded to Bukara to see the other card, but Bukara didn't show it. All he said was, "OK, OK, OK, next time."

"I had king-jack of diamonds, king-jack of diamonds," said Feldman.

Tags: Andrew FeldmanOri MillerPerica Bukara

Feldman Claims a Fold; Bukara Shows an Ace

The Great Wall of Bukara
The Great Wall of Bukara

From the button, Ori Miller raised to 45,000. Perica Bukara made it 110,000 from the small blind and Andrew Feldman went into the tank for a bit. He wound up folding and then Miller followed suit, allowing Bukara to scoop up the pot.

"Ten-ten," said Feldman, hinting that he folded two tens. Bukara just showed the {A-Hearts} and nothing else.

Bukara is up to 2.34 million while Feldman and Miller are on 460,000 and 800,000, respectively.

Tags: Andrew FeldmanOri MillerPerica Bukara

Level: 20

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 3,000