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2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

World Cup
Day: 2
Event Info

2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

Final Results Event Info
Level Info
3,000 / 6,000

Hands #13-16: Mizzi Very Active for Team Canada

Level 2 : 200/400, 50 ante

Hand 13: Sorel Mizzi raised to 1,000 with {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs} and Igor Yaroshevsky three-bet to 3,100. Mizzi, who was seated under the gun plus one, was out of position and called the three-bet.

The flop came down {9-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} on which Team Canada's player checked. Yaroshevsky bet 3,600 and Mizzi folded his cards.

Hand 14: Sorel Mizzi raised to 1,000 with {9-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} and Andrea Dato called from the big blind with {10-Spades}{8-Spades}. The flop came down {K-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} and Dato checked to Mizzi who bet 1,350. Dato, with a gut shot, opted to fold.

Hand 15: Marvin Rettenmaier raised to 1,000 with {6-Spades}{4-Spades} and Sorel Mizzi called from the big blind with {K-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. The flop came down {7-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and Mizzi checked to Rettenmaier who checked behind. The turn was the {5-Spades} and neither player hit a pair. Mizzi lead for 1,625 and picked up the pot.

Hand 16: The action folded to Andrea Dato on the button and he raised to 800 with {K-Hearts}{9-Spades} and Igor Yaroshevsky called from the big blind. The flop came dow n{6-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and both players checked. The turn was the {J-Hearts} and Yaroshevsky checked again.

This time Dato bet 1,300 and Yaroshevsky folded.

Tags: Andrea DatoIgor YaroshevskyMarvin RettenmaierSorel Mizzi

Hands #10-12: Bilokur Puts the Pressure On

Level 2 : 200/400, 50 ante

Hand 10: Fresh in the game, the two new players got right into things in the first hand they played. Alex Bilokur for Team Russia raised it up to 1,000 and Igor Yaroshevsky for Team Ukraine in the big blind made the call. Yaroshevsky checked on {2-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{K-Spades} and Bilokur called.

{4-Hearts} on the turn and Yarosjevsky checked once more. Bilokur checked behind and the two of them saw a free river: {5-Diamonds}. Yarosjevsky bet out 2,600. Bilokur instantly folded.

Hand 11: Bilokur opened with {K-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds} for 1,000 and Rettenmaier made the call from the big blind. Both players checked the {5-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{8-Spades} flop and the {10-Hearts} popped up on the turn. Rettenmaier bet 1,200 and Bilokur called. {K-Clubs} on the river. Rettenmaier checked. Bilokur bet 2,400 into the 4,900 pot and Rettenmaier folded.

Hand 12: Rettenmaier limped in from the small blind with {J-Hearts}{10-Spades}. Isaac Haxton woke up with {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs} in the big blind and made it 1,300. Rettenmaier made the call. {Q-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} on the flop, hitting no one. Rettenmaier checked and Haxton bet 1,100. Rettenmaier folded.

Player Chips Progress
Team Russia ru
Team Russia
Team United States us
Team United States
Team Germany de
Team Germany
Team Ukraine ua
Team Ukraine
Team Italy it
Team Italy
Team Canada ca
Team Canada

Tags: Alex BilokurIgor YaroshevskyIsaac HaxtonMarvin Rettenmaier

Seat Draw Update After Level 1

Level 2 : 200/400, 50 ante
1Igor YaroshevskyTeam Ukraine84,700 
2Marvin RettenmaierTeam Germany98,750 
3Isaac HaxtonTeam United States106,550 
4Alex BilokurTeam Russia123,200 
5Andrea DatoTeam Italy80,650 
6Sorel MizziTeam Canada59,150 

Level: 2

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 50

Hands #5-9: Team Russia Takes a Chunk From Team United States

Level 1 : 100/200, 0 ante

Hand 5: The button was on Sorel Mizzi and the action folded to Andrea Dato who raised to 600 with {10-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. Mizzi three-bet from the button to 1,700 and both blinds folded. Dato folded as well and Mizzi picked up the pot.

Hand 6: Andrea Dato raised to 600 with {A-Spades}{10-Hearts} and Isaac Haxton called from the big blind with {K-Spades}{10-Spades}. The flop brought out {8-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} and Haxton checked to Dato who bet 600. Haxton folded.

Hand 7: With the button on Marvin Rettenmaier the action folded to the German who raised to 600 with {Q-Spades}{3-Hearts}. Vitaly Lunkin gave it some thought from the big blind with {K-Spades}{7-Clubs} but he opted to fold.

Hand 8: Marvin Rettenmaier raised to 600 with {A-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and Isaac Haxton looked down on {K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} on the button. Haxton paused before three-betting to 2,000 and Vitaly Lunkin peeked down on {A-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}. Lunkin went into the tank for a while before time almost ran out on him. In a hasty move Lunkin four-bet to 4,600 and Rettenmaier folded.

Haxton confirmed the total bet of 4,600 before going into the tank, but the pressure of the clock loomed immediately. Haxton called and the flop brought out {7-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{4-Spades} with 10,000 chips already in the middle. The action was on Lunkin who bet 6,000 and Haxton went into the tank. The clock started counting down from 10 seconds and right as the dealer announced this Haxton called.

The turn was the {10-Clubs} and neither player had a pair. Lunkin checked this time and Haxton followed suit. The river brought the {Q-Clubs} and this gave both players top pair. Lunkin checked again and Haxton looked over at his opponent before checking as well.

Lunkin showed the winning hand and took quite a chunk out of Team United States' stack.

Hand 9: Sorel Mizzi received the first walk of the day. Small blind Andrea Dato had just four-deuce off suit and gave Mizzi the blinds and antes.

Tags: Andrea DatoIsaac HaxtonMarvin RettenmaierSorel MizziVitaly Lunkin

Hands #1-4: Mizzi's Small Bet Fails

Level 1 : 100/200, 0 ante

Hand 1: Andrea Dato opened for 700 under the gun and Rettenmaier on the button made the call. Both blinds folded.

The flop came {5-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} and Dato checked. Rettenmaier bet 1,000 and Dato made the call.

The {6-Spades} on the turn was once again checked by Dato. Rettenmaier checked back.

{A-Hearts} on the river and Dato now bet 1,600. Rettenmaier almost immediately folded.

Hand 2: Action folded to Vitaly Lunkin in the small blind. Team Russia raised it up to 700 with {Q-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} and Andrea Dato in the big blind three bet to 2,000. Lunkin folded.

Hand 3: Vitaly Lunkin opened {A-Clubs}{4-Spades} on the button for 600 and Sorel Mizzi in the big blind made the call.

The flop came {10-Spades}{6-Hearts}{J-Hearts} and Mizzi and Lunkin both checked. The {10-Clubs} fell on the turn and Mizzi checked once again. Lunkin again checked behind.

The {3-Clubs} completed the board and Mizzi bet out 1,000. Lunkin thought for some time and made the call. Mizzi announced king-nine and Lunkin won the pot.

Hand 4: Rettenmaier found {A-Spades}{8-Spades} under the gun and opened for 600. Action folded to Katchalov in the big blind and Team Ukraine called holding {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}.

The flop came {10-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}. Katchalov checked and Rettenmaier checked behind.

{Q-Clubs} on the turn. Katchalov, now a 86% favorite, bet 1,100 into the 1,450 pot. Rettenmaier folded.

Tags: Andrea DatoEugene KatchalovMarvin RettenmaierSorel MizziVitaly Lunkin

Level: 1

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 0

A Few Rules

Every players can play a maximum of one hour consecutively before having to make a switch. At the completion of every level teams have the option to switch players, but this is not mandatory.

A player facing a big decision will have the option to call a two-minute time bank and consult with their teammates.