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2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

PokerNews Cup Australia: The Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
250,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Zayneh's Back-to-Back Attempt Thwarted

Dory Zayneh
Dory Zayneh
Last year's PokerNews Cup Champ Dory Zayneh will have to wait another year for the chance to hoist the Cup trophy into the air again, as he's just been eliminated from the tournament.

Martin Comer did the heavy damage and knocked Zayneh down to 18,000 in chips by slow-playing a set of aces. Zayneh opened the hand with an 8,000 preflop raise from late position that was called by Comer from the button. The flop came {8-Hearts} {A-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds} and Zayneh fired a continuation bet of 12,000; Comer just called.

The {9-Spades} fell on 4th Street and Zayneh fired again -- this time making it 17,000 to go. Comer then stepped on the gas and kicked it up to 57,000 and Zayneh responded by moving all in for a total of 101,500. Comer insta-called and tabled {A-Hearts} {A-Clubs} for top set; Zayneh rolled over the {8-Clubs} {9-Clubs} and was drawing dead.

Shortly thereafter, Zayneh got his last 18,000 into the middle holding {K-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} and ran into Lance Patison's pocket kings. He was almost saved by the deck as the board filled out {10-Spades} {9-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} {Q-Diamonds} by the turn, giving Zayneh outs for a flush to win and a straight to tie, but the {Q-Hearts} on the river locked things up for Patison, forcing Zayneh to the rail empty-handed.

Tags: Dory Zayneh