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2008 WSOP Circuit Event - Caesars Las Vegas

$5,000 Circuit Championship Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 WSOP Circuit Event - Caesars Las Vegas

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

15-Minute Break

The tournament clock has been paused while the remaining six players go on a 15-minute dinner break.

Here's how they stack up at the break:

'Moto' Mabuchi - 175,000
Kelly Samson - 550,000
Ben Fineman - 958,000
Blair Hinkle - 850,000
Justin Bonomo - 390,000
Allen Cunningham - 368,000

Samson Takes a Pot from Cunningham

With it 56,000 to go, Kelly "Kboy" Samson and Allen Cunningham saw a flop of {Q-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}. Checks by both men before the turn brought {A-Spades}, and another round of checks brought {8-Clubs} on the river before Cunningham bet out 75,000 and was raised by Samson who came over the top with 150,000 more. Cunningham folded and Samson flashed his A-Q to Cunningham as he raked in Cunningham's chips.

Tags: Allen CunninghamKelly Samson

Thomas Hover Eliminated in 7th ($64,408)

Samson after the winning realization
Samson after the winning realization
After a Kelly Samson raise to 50,000, Thomas Hover moved all-in and showed {Q-Hearts}{2-Hearts} to Samson's {7-Clubs}{7-Spades}. The pre-flop showdown saw little fireworks when the flop came {10-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}. However, the turn brought some drama in the form of the {8-Hearts}. The river was full of excitement as it fell {7-Hearts}. After the announcer saw the flush and announced Hover's hand, Samson thought he had lost until realizing (with help from the crowd) he had filled up on the river to take the hand. As the dealer pushed Samson the pot he replied, "I'm glad these people around here know what they're doing because I wouldn't have seen that in a million years."

Tags: Kelly SamsonThomas Hover

Hinkle Doubles Through Hover

Hover ponders a call
Hover ponders a call
Facing a raise of 42,000 from Thomas Hover, Blair Hinkle moved all of his 263,000 into the middle. After a slight hesitation, Hover looked him up and saw that his {Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} was ahead of Hinkle's {5-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}. The flop dealt a cruel blow as it came {2-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{5-Spades}. Hinkle would hold on as the board ran out {4-Hearts} on the turn, and {4-Diamonds} on the river. The double-up saw Hinkle build his stack to around 550,000.

Tags: Blair HinkleThomas Hover

Samson Doubles Through Cunningham

Allen Cunningham opened with a 42,000 raise from middle position and the action folded around to Kelly Samson in the cutoff seat who re-raised all in, making it a total of 175,000 to call. The decision made its way back around to Cunningham, who hesitated for a moment before reluctantly making the call with the {K-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}; Samson tabled {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades} and the race was on.

A board of {8-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{J-Hearts}{J-Spades}{5-Diamonds} fell in favor of Samson's pocket nines and he successfully doubled through to about 400,000 in chips. Cunningham dropped to about 560,000 with the loss.

Tags: Kelly Samson

Scoreboard Update

Here are your seven remaining players' approximate chip counts:

Blair Hinkle - 340,000
Justin Bonomo - 352,000
Allen Cunningham - 740,000
Thomas Hover - 390,000
'Moto' Mabuchi - 249,000
Ben Fineman - 980,000
Kelly Samson - 180,000

Ralph Perry Eliminated in 8th Place ($48,306)

Ralph Perry - 8th Place Finisher
Ralph Perry - 8th Place Finisher
"Russian Ralph" Perry has just been eliminated from the tournament by Team Full Tilt Pro Allen Cunningham. The hand started with a pre-flop raise from Justin Bonomo who sat in middle position. The action then fell to Cunningham who moved all in for approximately 300,000 in chips. Action then folded around the table to Perry who announced that he too was all in. Bonomo folded and a showdown ensued:

Cunningham: {Q-Spades}{Q-Clubs}
Perry: {J-Hearts}{J-Spades}

The board ran out {5-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} in favor of Cunningham, sending Perry to the rail in eighth place. Cunningham stacked up right around 500,000 in chips after the hand.

Tags: Ralph Perry

Doug Lee Eliminated in 9th ($32,204)

Doug Lee makes his exit
Doug Lee makes his exit
Doug Lee shoved pre-flop for 70,000 before being called by Ben Fineman. With the flop to come, the showdown pitted Lee's {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs} to Fineman's {Q-Spades}{9-Spades}. As the dealer spread the flop {K-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}, both paired a hole card with Lee having the advantage going to the turn. It would be short-lived, however, as Fineman caught the {9-Clubs} on the turn giving him the lead. The {10-Spades} on the river improved Fineman to a straight giving us our ninth-place finisher in Doug Lee.

Doug Lee won $32,204 for his final-table appearance.

Tags: Ben FinemanDoug Lee

'Moto' Doubles Through Lee

Motoyuki 'Moto' Mabuchi and Doug Lee have just gotten into their second confrontation of the day - this one resulting in a Mabuchi double up.

The hand saw Mabuchi make it 70,000 to go from under-the-gun and Lee made the call from the big blind. The flop came {9-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{Q-Hearts} and Lee check-called Moto's all-in bet, tabling {K-Clubs}{Q-Spades} which was good for top pair and a gutshot straight draw; Mabuchi revealed {A-Clubs}{J-Hearts} for an open-ended straight draw.

The {A-Spades} brought Mabuchi out of his seat, as it gave him the lead in the hand. "Deuce! Deuce!" Moto pleaded as he awaited the river and a deuce it was - the deuce of diamonds to be exact - and Moto raked in the pot, worth over 350,000 in chips.

Tags: Doug LeeMabuchi