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2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Harveys Lake Tahoe

Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Harveys Lake Tahoe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Quinn Shows His Winner

Stan Quinn raised to 125,000 from the small blind, and John McNeilly called to see a flop. It came {A-Diamonds} {4-Hearts} {K-Diamonds}, and Quinn check-called a bet of 150,000.

The {Q-Clubs} landed on the turn, and both men checked to see the {2-Spades} land on the river. Quinn took the lead now, firing out 200,000 at the pot. McNeilly tanked for a while before surrendering, and Quinn flashed {A-Spades} {Q-Spades} as a courtesy.

Tags: John McNeillyStan Quinn

Keeping it Friendly

Returning from the break, John McNeilly offered his two opponents bottles of Vitamin Water from his bag. Michael Traylor passed, but Stan Quinn gladly accepted. McNeilly held up two bottles, one red and one pink, and offered Quinn his choice.

"Pink! Whatever it is." When Quinn received his tasty beverage, he read the label and saw the flavor printed on the side: Focus.


Tags: Stan QuinnJohn McNeillyMichael Traylor

Level: 29

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000

Traylor Snaps Back with a Check-Raise

Michael Traylor raised to 125,000 from the small blind. Stan Quinn called from the big blind and the flop came down {J-Spades}{9-Hearts}{7-Clubs} with Traylor checking in the dark. Quinn fired 160,000 and instantly, Traylor put in a raise to 425,000. Quinn tank-folded and Traylor showed just the {9-Diamonds}.

Traylor moved up to 2.1 million while Quinn dropped to 1.2 million.

Tags: Michael TraylorStan Quinn

Dan Black Eliminated in 4th Place ($28,513)

Dan Black - 4th place
Dan Black - 4th place

From the button, Michael Traylor limped in for the minimum 40,000. Stan Quinn completed from the small blind, and Dan Black said, "Let's go," for a free flop in the big. It would be quite the action flop.

The dealer spread out {9-Clubs} {7-Spades} {8-Diamonds}, and Black led out with a bet of 185,000. Traylor instantly announced an all-in raise, and Quinn took some time to consider before surrendering his hand. Black called off his remaining 365,000, and he was at risk as the cards were turned up:

Traylor: {5-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds}
Black: {9-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds}

Traylor had flopped the straight, but Black was drawing live with top pair and the open-ender. The turn {7-Diamonds} made things even more interesting as Black picked up another seven outs to survive with a diamond flush. The river was the right color, but the {Q-Hearts} was the wrong suit to save Black's tournament life.

The Day 1 chip lead took him all the way to the final table, but Black's run has come to an end in 4th place. He'll pick up a check for close to $30,000 on his way out the door.

Traylor has the chip lead once again with 1.9 million flat.

Tags: Dan BlackMichael TraylorStan Quinn

Quinn Again

Stan Quinn raised to 100,000 from the button, and Dan Black called to see a flop.

It came {4-Spades} {3-Hearts} {5-Spades}, and Black checked. Quinn took his cue to continue out with 160,000 chips, and that drew a long pause from Black. He cut down his full stack of just less than 700,000 before double-checking his hole cards several times and returning them to the dealer face-down.

Tags: Stan QuinnDan Black

McNeilly Bites Quinn

From the button, Jim McNeilly opened to 160,000, and he found a call from big blind Stan Quinn. Heads-up, the two men took a flop of {8-Clubs} {J-Diamonds} {J-Spades}, and Quinn tapped the table. When McNeilly continued out with a small bet of 85,000, Quinn immediately check-raised to 200,000 straight. McNeilly eyed up the bet before announcing an all-in reraise, and Quinn surrendered as he flashed the {8-Diamonds}.

Tags: Jim McNeillyStan Quinn

Quinn Takes Chip Lead

Stan Quinn
Stan Quinn

From the small blind, Michael Traylor raised to 120,000. Stan Quinn made the call from the big blind and the flop came down {K-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{5-Clubs}. Both players checked to see the {5-Diamonds} add trips to the board. Traylor fired 125,000 and Quinn made the call.

The river completed the board with the {2-Clubs} and Traylor fired 250,000. Quinn tanked for a couple minutes and then made the call. "Good call," said Traylor. Quinn turned over the {Q-Clubs}{9-Clubs} to beat the {J-Spades}{10-Hearts} for Traylor.

Traylor dropped to 1.13 million while Quinn assumed the pole position with 1.65 million.

Tags: Stan QuinnMichael Traylor