Hand # 36 - Ralph Schwartz picked up the pot on sixth vs. Yuebin Guo.
Hand # 37 - In a three-way pot that went all the way to the river, Ralph Schwartz scooped the pot when both Bill Gazes and Yuebin Guo folded to his 20K bet on seventh street. Schwartz is up to 480,000.
Hand # 38 - Showing the , Alex Jung raised Guo's bet on fourth street. Guo re-raised, showing and Jung folded.
Hand # 35 - Thom Schultz was all in on fifth street against Ralph Schwartz. Schultz showed 2-3-4-5 while Schwartz had a pair of kings. Schwartz improved to kings up on sixth street while Schultz bricked and would need a low card to survive. His river paired fours and he was eliminated.