Hand #107 - Gavin Smith has the button, he limps for 40,000, and Spegal checks. The flop comes . Spegal checks, Smith bets 40,000, and Spegal folds. Smith takes the pot.
Hand #106 - Mike Spegal has the button, he limps for 40,000, and Smith checks. The flop comes , and both players check. The turn card is the . Smith bets 60,000, and Spegal calls. The river card is the , Smith checks, Spegal bets 100,000, and Smith thinks for over a minute before he calls. Spegal shows 9-7 to win the pot with a ten-high straight, and Smith mucks.
Phil Hellmuth showed up right before the dinner break ended to talk to Gavin Smith at the final table. But rather than just making his appearance and leaving, he has lingered to watch the action as Smith attempts to win his first bracelet.
Hand #104 - Mike Spegal has the button, he limps for 40,000, and Smith checks. The flop comes , Smith checks, Spegal reaches for chips, and Smith folds. Spegal shows the , proving he had at least top pair, as he collects the pot.
Hand #103 - Gavin Smith has the button, he limps for 40,000, and Spegal checks. The flop comes , Spegal bets 75,000, and Smith calls. The turn card is the , Spegal bets 100,000, and Smith folds.
Hand #101 - Gavin Smith has the button, he limps for 40,000, and Smith checks. The flop comes . Spegal checks, Smith bets 50,000, and Spegal calls. The turn card is the . Spegal checks, Smith bets 160,000, and Spegal folds. Smith takes the pot.
Hand #100 - Mike Spegal has the button, he limps for 40,000, and Smith checks. The flop comes . Smith checks, Spegal reaches for his chips to make a bet, and Smith immediately folds. Spegal takes the pot.