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2009 World Series of Poker

Event 6 - $10,000 World Championship Seven Card Stud
Day: 3
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0

Level: 28

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Ellis Strikes

Just before the break, Freddie Ellis drew himself back into contention with Drache. Here's how it went down.

Ellis brought it in with the {3-Diamonds}, and Drache came in with the {6-Diamonds}.

Ellis: (X-X) / {3-Diamonds} {K-Spades} {J-Diamonds} {A-Diamonds} / (X)
Drache: (X-X) / {6-Diamonds} {7-Spades} {4-Clubs} {8-Diamonds} / (X)

On fourth, fifth, and sixth streets, Ellis check-called bets from Drache. On seventh, Ellis led out, and Drache called him down. Freddie showed {2-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} {K-Spades} for the diamond flush. Drache flashed {6-Hearts} {7-Hearts}, throwing his two pair and the rest of his cards into the muck.

Drache lead is down to 600,000 once again.

Tags: Eric DracheFreddie Ellis

Break it Up

We've reached the end of another level, and the players are taking 15 minutes to wander around the corridors outside the room.

Drache Turns the Tides

Eric Drache
Eric Drache
Eric Drache got it going with the {7-Clubs} up, and Ellis came along with the {7-Spades}.

Ellis: (X-X) / {7-Spades} {Q-Diamonds} {Q-Spades} {4-Diamonds} / (X)
Drache: (X-X) / {7-Clubs} {J-Clubs} {2-Diamonds} {5-Spades} / (X)

On fourth street, Ellis bet out, drawing a raise from Drache. He made the call. On fifth and sixth, Ellis bet his open queens, with Drache calling both times. On seventh street, Ellis fired again, only to see Drache come over the top with another raise. Ellis called, showing {Q-Hearts} {9-Spades} {6-Spades} for trip queens. It was no good though; Drache turned over {9-Clubs} {10-Clubs} {Q-Clubs} for the winning queen-high flush.

With that swing, Drache has taken about a three-to-one chip lead over his more senior opponent.

Tags: Eric DracheFreddie Ellis

Something Witty

Eric Drache brought it in with the {5-Diamonds}, and Freddie Ellis completed with the {6-Spades} up. Drache opted to raise it up, and Ellis called the extra bet.

On fourth street, Drache bet his {3-Hearts}, and Ellis' {8-Clubs} was worth a check-call. On fifth, Drache pulled the {7-Clubs}, and Ellis the {10-Spades}. Ellis passed again, folding to Drache's bet.

Tags: Eric DracheFreddie Ellis

Evening Things Out

Drache had the bring-in with the {4-Diamonds}, and Ellis came along with the {5-Hearts} up.

Drache: (X-X) / {4-Diamonds} {K-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} / (X)
Ellis: (X-X) / {5-Hearts} {5-Spades} {Q-Clubs} {J-Spades} / (X)

Fourth street brought Ellis an open pair, and he just single bet it for 60,000. Drache called. The action repeated on fifth, sixth, and seventh streets with Drache calling Ellis' bets. In the end, Ellis showed {5-?} {J-?} {7-?} to go with his up cards, making himself the winning trip fives.

The two men are virtually even in chips now.

Tags: Eric DracheFreddie Ellis

Ellis Climbs Back In

Ellis: (X-X) / {3-Spades} {Q-Clubs} {7-Clubs} {8-Hearts} / (X)
Drache: (X-X) / {9-Hearts} {5-Spades} {A-Diamonds} {4-Spades} / (X)

Ellis brought it in with the {3-Spades}. Drache showed the {9-Hearts}. On fourth street, Ellis bet out, and Drache put in a raise. Ellis three-bet it, and Drache called the extra. On fifth and sixth streets, Drache check-called bets. Both players checked seventh.

Freddie Ellis turned over {K-Spades} {K-Hearts} {9-Spades}, having found the buried kings to start. It was a big pot, and it goes to Ellis, drawing things back closer to even. Drache has a lead of about 600,000 now, chump change at these limits.

Tags: Eric DracheFreddie Ellis

Drache Takes a Bite

We pick things up on fifth street.

Ellis: (X-X) / {8-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} {Q-Clubs} {10-Hearts} / (X)
Drache: (X-X) / {J-Clubs} {7-Hearts} {4-Diamonds} {2-Spades} / (X)

On fifth, Ellis was the bettor, eventually calling a raise from Drache. On sixth street, Ellis check-called another bet. He checked again on seventh, only to fold to the final bet.

Drache has been chipping away here heads up. He's now right around 3,000,000 to Ellis' 1,300,000.

Tags: Eric DracheFreddie Ellis