It's Over 2,000!
We now know what the Pavilion Room is capable of.
The field is, well, massive. With over 2,300 entries, the Pavilion room is teeming with players ready to get their $1,000 worth of poker. It's easy to get lost in such a large field, but as always, some faces stand out.
Here are some people we noticed on a quick hike through Pavilion room:
Shannon Elizabeth
Felipe Ramos
Young Phan
Dennis Phillips
Matt Affleck
Veronica Dabul
Andrew Chen
Lauren Kling
Lars Bonding
Alan Smurfit
Kenny Nguyen
Pierre Neuville
There are bound to be more familiar faces in the crowd, and we'll update you the second we see them.
For now, we're off for another swim in the sea of people here at the Pavilion Room to bring you more live poker action