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2012 World Series of Poker

Event 5: $1,500 Pot-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Jivkov Snaps Off Pellegrino With Set

Nick Jivkov completed from the button and Bryan Pellegrino checked his option.

Both players checked the {A-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} flop. When a {6-Diamonds} fell on the turn, Pellegrino led out for 75,000 and Jivkov called. The river brought the {J-Spades} and Pellegrino fired again - this time for 190,000. Jivkov called again and Pellegrino mucked. Jivkov revealed {6-}{6-} for a turned set and scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Jivkov bg
Nick Jivkov
WSOP 1X Winner
Bryan Pellegrino it
Bryan Pellegrino

Tags: Bryan PellegrinoNick Jivkov

Pellegrino Doubles Through Jivkov Again

Nick Jivkov
Nick Jivkov

Up and down we go on the roller coaster that is this heads up battle. Pellegrino was back down to 400,000, but he has just secured anohter double up against Jivkov.

Action started with Jivkov raising to 100,000. Pelegrino thought for about 10 seconds before announcing pot, and Jivkov snap called and showed {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} assuming Pellegrino was all in. Problem was, the raise was only to 300,000, so Pellegrino actually had 100,000 behind. So as they went to the flop, Pellegrino knew what Jivkov was holding. The flop came down {5-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{9-Spades}, and Pellegrino checked to Jivkov, who tossed in the last 100,000. Pellegrino called, and was in great shape when the cards were flipped.

Pellegrino: {10-Clubs}{9-Hearts}
Jivkov: {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}

Pellegrino went from miles behind before the flop to miles ahead after, and he was in great shape to double up. The {2-Diamonds} on the turn gave Jivkov a straight draw, adding four more outs on top of the ace that he could catch. Neither one came on the river thought, as the dealer peeled off the {q-Clubs}. Pellegrino is now back up to 860,000, and is somehow still fighting it out in this heads up.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Jivkov bg
Nick Jivkov
WSOP 1X Winner
Bryan Pellegrino it
Bryan Pellegrino

Tags: Bryan PellegrinoNick Jivkov

Pellegrino Spikes a Straight

Bryan Pellegrino has been down throughout the heads-up play - but don't count him out yet.

In a recent hand, Nick Jivkov completed from the button and Pellegrino checked his option to see a flop, which came {2-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{5-Spades}. Both players checked and the turn brought the {10-Spades}. Pellegrino bet 50,000 and Jivkov made the call.

When an {A-Clubs} landed on the river, Pellegrino counted out a 150,000 bet and slid it into the middle. Jivkov thought it over and eventually called.

Pellegrino turned over {10-Hearts}{4-Spades} for a rivered straight and Jivkov mucked his hand.

Pellegrino is back up to 550,000.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Jivkov bg
Nick Jivkov
WSOP 1X Winner
Bryan Pellegrino it
Bryan Pellegrino

Tags: Bryan PellegrinoNick Jivkov

Pellegrino Doubles Through Jivkov

So close....but no cigar for Nick Jivkov. That's all that can really be said at the moment, as Bryan Pellegrino just caught a miracle river to double through Jivkov. Jivkov called on the button, and Pellegrino made it 150,000 to go. Jivkov called, and the flop came down {7-Spades}{3-Spades}{q-Diamonds}. Pellegrino bet the rest of his chips, about 250,000, and Jivkov quickly made the call.

Jivkov: {8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}
Pellegrino: {6-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}

Jivkov was miles ahead with middle pair, as Pellegrino could only catch a five for a straight, or running pairs to double up. The turn came the {7-Clubs}, giving Jivkov trips, though it didn't really change much, as Pellegrino still needed a five. Pellegrino leaned down to take a very close look at the bracelet on the table, likely thinking "this is as close as I'm getting to this". But.....

The river: {5-Clubs}

Jivkov was stunned in his seat, while Pellegegrino let out a huge sigh of relief. Pellegrino doubled up to 900,000, but he still has a ways to go to make the comeback.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Jivkov bg
Nick Jivkov
WSOP 1X Winner
Bryan Pellegrino it
Bryan Pellegrino

Tags: Bryan PellegrinoNick Jivkov

Jivkov Chipping Away at Pellegrino's Stack

Since heads-up play began, there have not been too many large pots, but Nick Jivkov has been wearing Bryan Pellegrino down.

In a recent hand, Pellegrino raised to 80,000 from the button and was called by Jivkov in the big.

The flop came {Q-Hearts}{J-Hearts}{10-Clubs} and Jivkov check-called a 80,000 c-bet from Pellegrino.

The turn brought a {K-Diamonds} and Jivkov checked again, prompting a 200,000 bet from Pellegrino. Jivkov check-raised enough to put Pellegrino all in and Pellegrino quickly folded.

Pellegrino is down to his last 460,000.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Jivkov bg
Nick Jivkov
WSOP 1X Winner
Bryan Pellegrino it
Bryan Pellegrino

Tags: Bryan PellegrinoNick Jivkov

Level: 26

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 0

Jonathan Aguiar Eliminated in 3rd Place($76,189)

Jonathan Aguiar-3rd Place
Jonathan Aguiar-3rd Place

Jonathan Aguier was first to act, and he announced pot, which was most of his chips. Nick Jivkov was in the small blind, and he too announced a pot sized raise. Bryan Pellegrino quickly folded, and Aguiar committed the rest of his chips.

Aguier: {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}
Jivkov: {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}

The flop was safe for Jivkov, coming down {7-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}. Jivkov wanted the hand to end, so he called for a nine, and sure enough, the dealer obliged, bringing the {9-Clubs} on the turn. It couldn't have been better for Jivkov, as the river brought the {a-Hearts}, but it was no good for Aguiar, who takes home over $76,000 for his efforts.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Aguiar pt
Jonathan Aguiar
WSOP 1X Winner

Pellegrino Doubles Through Aguiar....Yet Again

Bryan Pellegrino and Jonathan Aguiar found themselves in yet another confrontation while chip leader Nick Jivkov sat back and watched.

Aguiar raised from the button and action folded to Pellegrino on the big blind, who announced a pot-sized raise to 275,000. Aguiar raised enough to put Pellegrino's remaining chips in the middle and Pellegrino called.

Pellegrino: {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts}
Aguiar: {Q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}

The board ran out {6-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{6-Spades} and Pellegrino doubled through Aguiar with a full house.

Player Chips Progress
Bryan Pellegrino it
Bryan Pellegrino
Jonathan Aguiar pt
Jonathan Aguiar
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Bryan PellegrinoJonathan Aguiar