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2013 World Series of Poker

Event #45: $1,500 Ante-Only No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
0 / 0

Cautious Play!

Level 25 : 0/0, 30,000 ante

Hand #164

Lieu limped in, before Volpe raised it up to 35,000 in chips. The bet was too much for Lieu, who folded his hand.

Hand #165

Volpe limped in, as did Lieu, before the flop came down {10-Hearts}{k-Spades}{a-Hearts}. Volpe threw out a bet of 25,000, which was called, as the {q-Spades} fell on the turn. Both players opted to check, and did so again, when the {8-Diamonds} fell on the river. Lieu showed his {10-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} for a pair of tens, but it wasn’t enough, as Volpe tabled his {k-Clubs}{4-Hearts} to take down the pot with top pair.

Hand #166

Lieu limped in, before Volpe bumped it up to 35,000. The bet was enough to take it down.

Hand #167

Volpe limped in, as did Lieu, before the flop came down {3-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}. Volpe made it 30,000 and was called as the {3-Spades} fell on the turn. Volpe checked his option, but mucked after Lieu bet out 80,000 in chips.

Hand #168

Both players limped into the pot, before the board came down {a-Spades}{5-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}. Both players then checked, as the {8-Spades} appeared on the turn. Lieu checked as Volpe bet out 15,000, which was enough to take down the pot.

More Small Ball

Level 25 : 0/0, 30,000 ante

Hand #159- Ben Volpe made it 30,000 to go, and Paul Lieu folded.

Hand #160- Volpe got a walk.

Hand #161- Both players limped, and the flop came down {k-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{2-Spades}. They both checked, and the {8-Diamonds} hit the turn. Both checked again, and the {8-Clubs}. Lieu made it 35,000 to go, and Volpe folded.

Hand #162- Volpe raised it up to 35,000, and Lieu called to see a flop of {7-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} come down. Both players checked, and the {4-Spades} hit the turn. Lieu started to bet, and Volpe folded before he could put any chips out.

Hand #163- Volpe limped, then raised when Lieu raised it up.

Tags: Ben VolpePaul Lieu

Volpe Wins All Five

Level 25 : 0/0, 30,000 ante

Hand #154

Lieu limped in, as did Volpe, as both saw the flop come {10-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{10-Hearts}. Lieu checked, before Volpe threw out a bet of 30,000, which was called. The {4-Diamonds} came on the turn, as both players checked. The {3-Diamonds} completed the board, as Lieu checked again, before Volpe bet out 85,000. Lieu thought for a minute, before releasing his hand into the muck.

Hand #155

Volpe opened to 30,000, and was called, before the flop came down {k-Spades}{j-Hearts}{q-Clubs}. Volpe threw out a continuation bet of 30,000, before Lieu bumped it up to 70,000. Volpe quickly called, before the {3-Diamonds} fell on the turn. Both players checked, as the {7-Diamonds} completed the board. A quick check again from each player saw Volpe table his {k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}, which was good enough to take it down.

Hand #156

Both players limped into the pot, as the flop came down {5-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{8-Clubs}. The action checked to Volpe, who bet out 20,000, which took down the pot.

Hand #157

Volpe limped in, before Lieu raised to 45,000 in chips. Volpe made the call, as both saw the flop come {8-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{K-Hearts}. Volpe checked to Lieu, who bet out 80,000, which was called. The {6-Diamonds} fell on the turn, as both players checked to see the {k-Clubs} come on the river. Volpe then tabled his {K-Spades}{6-Clubs} for a full house, as Lieu’s cards flew into the muck.

“Only a full house?” asked a surprised Lieu, shortly after the hand.

Hand #158

Lieu opened for 30,000 and was called, as the flop came down {j-Clubs}{4-Spades}{k-Spades}. Lieu made a continuation bet of 35,000 and was called as the {7-Spades} fell on the turn. Lieu checked over to Volpe, who bet out 45,000, which was called, before the {9-Diamonds} completed the board. Both players checked as Volpe then tabled his {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} for a pair of nines, which gave him the pot.

Tags: Ben VolpePaul Lieu

Lieu Takes First Big Pot

Level 25 : 0/0, 30,000 ante

Hand #149- Ben Volpe limped in, as did Paul Lieu. The flop came down {k-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}, and a 25,0000 bet from Lieu got it done.

Hand #150- Lieu limped in, and Volpe raised it to 30,000. Lieu folded, and Volpe took down the pot.

Hand #151- Volpe limped in, and quickly folded when Lieu made it 35,000.

Hand #152- Lieu limped in, as did Volpe, and the flop came down {j-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}. A 25,000 bet from Volpe got the job done.

Hand #153- Volpe raised to 30,000, and Lieu made the call. The flop came {a-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{q-Clubs}, and Volpe fired out 35,000. Lieu called, and the {8-Clubs} came on the turn. Volpe checked this time, and Lieu bet out 60,000. Volpe called, and the river brought the {9-Hearts}. Volpe checked again, and Lieu fired out 185,000. Volpe beat him into the pot, and Lieu showed {6-Hearts}{4-Hearts} for a rivered flush. Volpe flashed {a-Spades}{8-Spades} for two pair before mucking, and Lieu took a big step towards starting a comeback.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Volpe us
Ben Volpe
Paul Lieu us
Paul Lieu

Louis Bonnecaze Eliminated in 3rd Place ($80,839)

Level 25 : 0/0, 30,000 ante
Louis Bonnecaze
Louis Bonnecaze

Hand #144

Paul Lieu raised to 35,000, before Ben Volpe raised it up to 105,000. Lieu thought for a minute, before releasing his hand.

Hand #145

Paul Lieu opened for 35,000, and was called by Ben Volpe, as both saw the flop come down {j-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{4-Spades}. Both players checked, as the {k-Clubs} fell on the turn. Lieu checked over to Volpe, who threw out a bet of 40,000, which brought a fold from Lieu a minute later.

Hand #146

Ben Volpe opened to 35,000, as both his opponents made the call. The flop came down {9-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}, as Volpe threw out a continuation bet of 55,000, which was only called by Lieu. The {q-Diamonds} fell on the turn, as Volpe checked his option, before facing a bet of 120,000 from Lieu almost instantly after his check. He made the call, as the {j-Hearts} completed the board.

Volpe checked once more, as Lieu thought about his decision, before checking also. Volpe tabled his {k-Spades}{q-Spades}, for top two-pair, which saw Lieu’s hand go into the muck.

Hand #147

Ben Volpe raised from the button, as the two other players got out of the way.

Hand #148

All three players limped into the pot, as the flop came down {5-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. The action checked around to Louis Bonnecaze, who bet out 55,000, before Ben Volpe announced all in over the top. A quick call from Bonnecaze, saw both players table their cards

Volpe: {Q-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}
Bonnecaze: {6-Spades}{3-Diamonds}

Volpe had flopped top pair, and was in great shape to take out Bonnecaze. Needing a three or six to stay alive, Bonnecaze would miss out, as the board ran out the {j-Spades} and {j-Hearts} to see him finish in third place.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Volpe us
Ben Volpe
Paul Lieu us
Paul Lieu
Louis Bonnecaze
Louis Bonnecaze
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Ben VolpeLouis BonnecazePaul Lieu

Bonnecaze Staying Active

Level 25 : 0/0, 30,000 ante

Hand #139- Paul Lieu made it 35,000 to go, and Ben Volpe called. Louis Bonnecaze also called, and the three saw a flop of {2-Clubs}{9-Spades}{5-Hearts}. Volpe fired out 55,000, Bonnecaze was the only caller, and the turn was the {7-Diamonds}. Volpe then fired out 115,000, and Bonnecaze kicked his hand in, giving the pot to Volpe.

Hand #140- Volpe made it 35,000 to go, and Bonnecaze reraised to 125,000. It folded back to Volpe, and he tanked for about 45 seconds before folding.

Hand #141- Bonnecaze raised to 35,000, Lieu made the call, and Volpe did the same. The flop came down {7-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{2-Spades}, and Bonnecaze kept the pressure on with a bet of 75,000. Lieu folded, and Volpe responded by moving all in. Bonnecaze folded, and Volpe took down the pot.

Hand #142- Lieu made it 35,000 to go, and Volpe and Bonnecaze made it a family pot. The flop ran down {j-Spades}{a-Clubs}{3-Hearts}, and Lieu c-bet it to 55,000. Volpe folded his hand, but Bonnecaze tagged along to see the {3-Diamonds} come on the turn. Lieu checked this time, and Bonnecaze fired out 85,000. Lieu went deep into the tank, thinking it over for a couple of minutes before folding, and Bonnecaze took down another.

Hand #143- Bonnecaze limped in, and Lieu made it 35,000 to go. Bonnecaze tossed in the call, the dealer fanned out a {7-Spades}{k-Spades}{k-Clubs}, and Bonnecaze check folded to a bet of 75,000.

Tags: Ben VolpeLouis BonnecazePaul Lieu

Level: 25

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 30,000

Dinner Time

Level 24 : 0/0, 20,000 ante

The three remaining players are now taking a one hour dinner break. We will get updated counts up shortly before we restart, but at the moment Paul Lieu has a commanding lead.

The Last Two Before the Break

Level 24 : 0/0, 20,000 ante

Hand #137

Ben Volpe raised it to 25,000, and was called by Louis Bonnecaze as the flop came down {j-Hearts}{a-Spades}{7-Clubs}. Volpe made a continuation bet out 30,000 and was called, as the {a-Diamonds} came on the turn. Volpe checked, before Bonnecaze bet out 60,000, which was enough to take down the pot.

Hand #138

In the last hand before the break, Paul Lieu bet out and found no callers, as he prowdly showed his {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades}, taking down the pot.

Tags: Ben VolpeLouis BonnecazePaul Lieu