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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #21: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Hands #210-219

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #210: Dave D'Alesandro raised to 160,000 and took the pot.

Hand #211: Dominik Nitsche limped in, and D'Alesandro checked. Nitsche won the pot with 80,000 on the {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop.

Hand #212: Nitsche got a walk.

Hand #213: Nitsche called, and D'Alesandro shoved. Nitsche folded.

Hand #214: D'Alesandro raised the button, and Nitsche called. Both players checked the {8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{5-Hearts} flop, and an {8-Clubs} turned. Nitsche bet 180,000, and D'Alesandro folded.

Hand #215: Nitsche limped the button then folded to a bet on the flop.

Hand #216: D'Alesandro got a walk.

Hand #217: Nitsche limped, and D'Alesandro checked. On the river, the board was {q-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} and D'Alesandro picked up the pot with a bet.

Hand #218: D'Alesandro moved all in on the button and took the pot.

Hand #219: Nitsche shoved all in and took the pot.

Tags: Dominik NitscheDave D'Alesandro

Hands #200-209

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #200: Dave D'Alesandro raised to 160,000 and Dominik Nitsche called. Nitsche called 175,000 on the {7-Spades}{8-Spades}{2-Hearts} flop, and he then bet 275,000 on the {7-Clubs} turn. D'Alesandro called, and the river was the {5-Diamonds}. Nitsche checked, and D'Alesandro slid out 600,000. That was enough to take the pot.

Hand #201: D'Alesandro folded to a button raise.

Hand #202: D'Alesandro raised to 160,000 and got called. Nitsche check-folded on the {a-Spades}{10-Clubs}{2-Hearts} flop.

Hand #203: Nitsche shoved preflop.

Hand #204: Nitsche got a walk.

Hand #205: Nitsche called, and D'Alesandro moved all in. Nitsche folded.

Hand #206: Unknown action.

Hand #207: The two saw the flop of {8-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{4-Spades} for the minimum. Nitsche bet 85,000 and took the pot.

Hand #208: Nitsche got a walk.

Hand #209: D'Alesandro bet 80,000 on a {2-Spades}{7-Spades}{4-Hearts} flop, and Nitsche called. A {j-Spades} hit the turn, and D'Alesandro bet 160,000, and Nitsche called to see the {a-Spades}. D'Alesandro checked, and Nitsche bet 250,000. D'Alesandro folded.

Tags: Dave D'AlesandroDominik Nitsche

Bob Bounahra Eliminated in 3rd Place ($145,229)

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Bob Bounahra 3rd.
Bob Bounahra 3rd.

Hand #196: Dave D'Alesandro got a walk in the big blind

Hand #197: Bob Bounahra made it 180,000 and took it down.

Hand #198: Dominik Nitsche limped the small blind and Bounahra checked. Nitsche bet the {q-Spades}{5-Hearts}{7-Hearts} flop and won the pot.

Hand #199: Nitsche made it 160,000, Bouhnara moved all in and D'Alesandro did the same. Nitsche made the call.

It was {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} for Nitsche, {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} for D'Alesandro and {7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} for Bounahra. The board ran out {k-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{9-Spades}{4-Spades} and Bounahra was eliminated.

D'Alesandro will now take a chip lead into heads-up play.

Player Chips Progress
Dave D'Alesandro us
Dave D'Alesandro
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
WSOP 4X Winner
Bob Bounahra bz
Bob Bounahra

Level: 29

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 10,000

Hands #187-195

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #187: Dominik Nitsche raised to 120,000 on the button. Dave D'Alesandro reraised to 345,000 from the big blind. Nitsche elected to four-bet ship, and D'Alesandro let his hand go.

Hand #188: Bob Bounahra opened to 125,000 on the button, and D'Alesandro shoved from the small blind. He took down the pot.

Hand #189: D'Alesandro opened from the button and took down the pot.

Hand #190: Nitsche raised to 120,000 on the button. Bounahra decided 315,000 was more appropriate, and he took the pot.

Hand #191: D'Alesandro limped the small blind, and Nitsche checked his option. Both players checked the {10-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{3-Clubs} flop, and a {10-Hearts} turned. D'Alesandro folded to 60,000.

Hand #192: Nitsche limped the small blind, and Bounahra checked. Nitsche bet the {4-Spades}{5-Clubs}{6-Spades} flop and won the pot.

Hand #193: Nitsche opened to 120,000 before folding to a 300,000 three-bet from D'Alesandro.

Hand #194: D'Alesandro limped, and Nitsche checked. D'Alesandro checked the {10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} flop, and Nitsche bet 60,000. D'Alesandro called to see a {9-Hearts} turn. D'Alesandro check-called 130,000, and a {10-Hearts} fell. D'Alesandro checked a final time, and Nitsche bet 250,000. D'Alesandro called quicker this time, and his {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs} beat the {j-Clubs}{8-Hearts} of Nitsche.

Hand #195: D'Alesandro raised to 125,000 and was called by Nitsche in the small blind. Nitsche checked the {6-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{3-Spades} flop, and he check-raised to 320,000 after D'Alesandro bet 135,000. D'Alesandro made it 540,000, and Nitsche pushed all in, taking down the pot.

Tags: Bob BounahraDave D'AlesandroDominik Nitsche

Hands #178-186

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #178: Dave D'Alesandro got a walk.

Hand #179: Dominik Nitsche got a walk.

Hand #180: D'Alesandro made it 120,000 and Bob Bounahra called in the big blind. They both checked the {6-Clubs}{2-Spades}{8-Hearts} flop and on the {9-Spades} turn, Bounahra made it 150,000 and took it down.

Hand #181: Nitsche made it 120,000 and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #182: Bounahra made it 125,000 and Nitsche defended his big blind with a call. The flop of {5-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{3-Clubs} was checked by both, as was the {9-Spades} turn. Bounahra bet the {7-Diamonds} river after a check and took it down.

Hand #183: Nitsche completed from the small blind and Bounahra checked. On the {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{q-Clubs} flop Nitsche bet 65,000 and Bounahra called. The {3-Hearts} turn brought a check from Nitsche and Bounahra accidentally dropped some chips in front of him. It was ruled a 60,000 bet that took it down.

Hand #184: Bounahra made it 125,000 from the small blind and D'Alesandro called. The {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{4-Spades} flop brought a 160,000 bet from Bounahra that took the pot down.

Hand #185: D'Alesandro limped in from the small blind and Nitsche checked. The {k-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} board brought a check from D'Alesandro and a 70,000-chip bet from Nitsche that won the pot.

Hand #186: Nitsche limped the small blind and Bounahra checked. They both checked the {8-Spades}{5-Spades}{5-Hearts} flop and the {10-Spades} turn, but when the {a-Hearts} river fell, Nitsche bet 75,000. Bounahra called and mucked when he saw Nitsche turn over {a-Clubs}{2-Hearts}.

Hands #164-177

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #164: Dominik Nitsche got a walk.

Hand #165: Dave D'Alesandro raised to 125,000 on the button and took the pot.

Hand #166: Nitsche raised to 120,000 on the button and took the pot.

Hand #167: Bob Bounahra raised to 130,000 on the button, and NItsche defended his big blind. Two checks followed the {3-Spades}{a-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} flop, and more checks followed the {6-Clubs}. A {j-Spades} hit the river, and Nitsche check-folded to 180,000.

Hand #168: D'Alesandro raised on the button and won the pot.

Hand #169: Bounahra took down the pot with a bet on an unknown flop.

Hand #170: Nitsche got a walk.

Hand #171: Nitsche limped the small blind, and Bouhnara checked. Nitsche's flop bet won the flop.

Hand #172: Nitsche raised to 120,000 on the button and took the pot.

Hand #173: D'Alesandro limped the small blind, and Nitsche checked. On the {4-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{k-Hearts} flop, D'Alesandro bet 75,000 and took it down.

Hand #174: Unknown action.

Hand #175: Nitsche raised to 120,000 on the button, and D'Alesandro defended his big blind. Nitsche bet 140,000 on the {k-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{6-Hearts} flop, and D'Alesandro folded.

Hand #176: D'Alesandro limped in, and Nitsche checked. D'Alesandro bet 75,000 on the {9-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{3-Spades} flop, and Nitsche called. Both players checked the {5-Diamonds}, and a {3-Diamonds} completed the board. D'Alesandro bet 155,000, and Nitsche raised to 350,000. D'Alesandro cut out two stacks of green T25,000 chips before ultimately folding.

Nitsche showed the {j-Spades}.

Hand #177: Nitsche limped the small blind, and Bounahra checked. Nitsche bet 75,000 on the {9-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{2-Spades} flop, and Bounahra called. Both players checked the {10-Spades}, and Nitsche checked the {2-Clubs} before folding to 215,000 from Bounahra.

Tags: Bob BounahraDominik Nitsche

Hands #159-163

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #159: Dominik Nitsche limped the small blind and Bob Bounahra checked his option. The flop was the {j-Hearts}{7-Spades}{5-Diamonds} and Bounahra folded to a 70,000 bet from Nitsche.

Hand #160: Dave D'Alesandro got a walk.

Hand #161: Dave D'Alesandro limped the small blind and Dominik Nitsche checked. The flop came {8-Hearts}{7-Spades}{4-Clubs} and both players checked. The turn was the {10-Diamonds} and after D'Alesandro bet 70,000 Nitsche called.

The river was the {8-Spades} and it went check-check with D'Alesandro showing {q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and Nitsche picking up the pot holding {6-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} for a pair of fours.

Hand #162: Bovb Bounahra limped the small blind, then called when Dave D'Alesandro made it 180,000. After the {4-Spades}{4-Hearts}{k-Clubs} Bounahra check-folded to a 175,000 c-bet from D'Alesandro.

Bob Bounahra Triples Up

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand 151:Bob Bounahra open-shoved {q-Diamonds}{2-Spades} and got the call from Dave D'Alesandro. Dominik Nitsche then moved all in behind him and D'Alesandro was forced to let it go.

Nitsche had Bounahra crushed with {a-Hearts}{k-Spades} but the {q-Spades}{10-Hearts}{7-Spades} flop changed that. The {3-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} run out was all Bounahra needed to triple up

Player Chips Progress
Dave D'Alesandro us
Dave D'Alesandro
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
WSOP 4X Winner
Bob Bounahra bz
Bob Bounahra