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2024 World Series of Poker

Event #81: $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
2,500,000 / 5,000,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Nessar Goes Runner Runner to Survive

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Bradley Nessar
Bradley Nessar

There were some celebrations and shouts from the corner of the room, which is expected with multiple final tables going on inside the horseshoe but upon closer inspection this celebratory cheering outburst was not coming from a final table but from a table in Level 2 of the Main Event.

The board told the story as it showed 6?10?8?2?2?. Bradley Nessar's winning hand of 8?8? had made runner-runner boat to upend the 9x7x flopped straight of his opponent to keep Nessar alive as he continued to celebrate with along with a bit of a rail supporting him.

Action was retold that Nessar had bet 6,000 on the flop, his opponent had raised to 15,000 and Nessar moved all in when he was snap-called to make it look like he was going to be eliminated before the savior ducks on the turn and river.

Player Chips Progress
Bradley Nessar us
Bradley Nessar

Tags: Bradley Nessar

Brutal Cooler Sends Merk to the Rail

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Abby Merk
Abby Merk

Abby Merk raised from the cutoff, receiving calls from David Williamson on the button and Assaf Zeharia, in the big blind.

The 10?7?4? flop saw the action check to Merk, who continued for 800. Both opponents called.

The 8? turn saw Zeharia check. Merk bet again, this time for 2,500. Williamson put in a raise to 6,000 and Zeharia called. The action was back on Merk who bumped it up to 18,000. Williamson stepped aside and Zeharia moved all in.

Merk went deep into the tank, eventually making the call for her tournament life.

Abby Merk: 6?5? All in
Assaf Zeharia: J?9?

Both players had turned a straight, but Zeharia had the superior of the two holdings. The K? river couldn't save Merk and she was sent to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Assaf Zeharia il
Assaf Zeharia
David Williamson us
David Williamson
Abby Merk us
Abby Merk

Tags: Abby MerkAssaf ZehariaDavid Williamson

England Falls to Dempsey

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Kyna England
Kyna England

As the players at her former table recounted, Kyna England was all in preflop with AxQx and up against James Dempsey who had her covered with KxKx.

England failed to improve while Dempsey ultimately made a set of kings on the turn to send England to the rail and continue to add chips to his stack.

Player Chips Progress
James Dempsey gb
James Dempsey
WSOP 1X Winner
Kyna England us
Kyna England

Tags: James DempseyKyna England

Owen Eliminated After Missing All His Outs

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Brad Owen
Brad Owen

Brad Owen was recently eliminated during Level 2 of the Main Event.

According to his former tablemates, a player in middle position opened and was called by Alvaro Vasquez in the next seat over. Brad Owen then three-bet to 3,500 in position, folding out the original raiser while Vasquez made the call.

On the rainbow 8?7x5x flop Vasquez checked, Owen bet 4,500, Vasquez raised to 11,000 and Owen called.

Vasquez moved all in on the 4? turn and Owen, who had about 40,000 behind and was covered, made the call and was at risk.

Brad Owen: K?9? All in
Alvaro Vasquez: 9?9?

Vasquez was ahead with his overpair but Owen still had several outs in the form of any club or king while a six would chop the pot. The 2? river was a brick and Owen was sent to the rail early in the day while Vasquez picked up a sizable early pot.

Player Chips Progress
Alvaro Vasquez us
Alvaro Vasquez
Brad Owen us
Brad Owen

Tags: Alvaro VasquezBrad Owen

Schiffbauer Cracks Aces For a Bustout

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Robert Schiffbauer
Robert Schiffbauer

Robbie Schiffbauer in the small blind had a raise of 2,200 in front of him before the big blind reraised to 6,000. Schiffbauer called and they went heads-up to the J?J?8? flop.

The big blind then bet 7,000 and Schiffbauer came back with a raise to 25,000. His opponent took a minute before moving all in for around 38,000, and Schiffbauer snap-called.

All-In Player: A?A? All in
Robbie Schiffbauer: J?10?

Schiffbauer had flopped trips to leave his opponent's aces needing help to remain alive in the Main Event. The 10? turn improved Schiffbauer to a full house, while the river came the 5?.

The unfortunate player stopped to snap a photo of the board before making his exit early on Day 1a.

Player Chips Progress
Robbie Schiffbauer us
Robbie Schiffbauer

Tags: Robbie Schiffbauer

Schiffbauer Holds Aces Against Kings

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante

The action was caught as Robbie Schiffbauer, on the button, was all in and at risk for his effective stack of 49,800 against a player in early position.

Robbie Schiffbauer: A?A? All in
Early Position: K?K?

The board ran out Q?5?J?3?8?; no change for Schiffbauer and he finds the full double up virtue of this cooler.

Player Chips Progress
Robbie Schiffbauer us
Robbie Schiffbauer

Tags: Robbie Schiffbauer

Kuhn Doubles with Cowboys

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Rob Kuhn
Rob Kuhn

Yizhak Yerushalmi opened to 600 from under the gun and was called by Daniel Hachem in the hijack before Rob Kuhn three-bet to 3,000 from the button. Both Yerushalmi and Hachem made the call.

Action checked around to Kuhn who fired a 2,500 continuation bet on the K?8?7? flop. Yerushalmi made the call while Hachem got out of the way.

Kuhn bet again when checked to on the 6? turn, this time for 7,000. Once again Yerushalmi called.

On the 6? river Yerushalmi checked, Kuhn shoved for his remaining stack of 23,300 and Yerushalmi made the call. Kuhn tabled K?K? for kings full of sixes to score a full double up at Yerushalmi's expense.

Player Chips Progress
Rob Kuhn us
Rob Kuhn
Daniel Hachem au
Daniel Hachem
Yizhak Yerushalmi il
Yizhak Yerushalmi

Tags: Daniel HachemRob KuhnYizhak Yerushalmi

Terebelo Makes a Huge Fold to Wagner

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Andreas Wagner
Andreas Wagner

Around 15,000 was in the pot as Andreas Wagner and Joshua Terebelo went heads up to a flop of A?K?9?.

Terebelo had a bet of 16,000 in front of him from under the gun before Wagner raised to 45,000 in the big blind.

"If you had aces, why would you do that? I can't believe I'm thinking about folding this," Terebelo said as he spent several minutes in the tank. He eventually folded and Wagner allowed him to choose one of his cards. Terebelo flipped over the K?.

"If the other one was a king and you just call the turn, you get it all on the river. I had a set of nines," Terebelo told him.

"Report that shit," he added as Wagner took down the big pot that could've been much larger.

Player Chips Progress
Andreas Wagner us
Andreas Wagner
Joshua Terebelo us
Joshua Terebelo

Tags: Andreas WagnerJoshua Terebelo

Talbot Bombs the Turn

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot

Parker Talbot raised to 400 first to act and was called by Harlan Karnofsky in the cutoff and the player in the big blind.

Action checked to Talbot on the J?2?K? flop and he continued for 200. Karnofsky folded and the big blind called.

The 3? fell on the turn and it was again checked to Talbot, who sized up for 2,400. This time his opponent folded and Talbot dragged the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Harlan Karnofsky us
Harlan Karnofsky
Parker Talbot ca
Parker Talbot

Tags: Harlan KarnofskyParker Talbot

Quads Over Boat on the First Hand of the Main Event to Bust

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
David Williamson
David Williamson

As reported back to PokerNews by both David Williamson and Jon Pardy, Travis Darroch was eliminated on the very first hand of play at their table.

On a board reading 8xJx10x8xAx, David Williamson placed a sizable bet, which was met by an all-in from Darroch. Williamson snap-called.

Travis Darroch: 10x10x All in
David Williamson: 8x8x

Williamson was the beneficiary of this sick cooler as his turned quads gave Darroch a full house, ending his Main Event run after just one hand.

Player Chips Progress
David Williamson us
David Williamson
Jon Pardy ca
Jon Pardy
Travis Darroch ca
Travis Darroch

Tags: David WilliamsonJon Pardy