Checking on the Team
We have nine members of Team Full Tilt with us today, and thus far they've been having a bit of a mixed bag of luck. Of the nine, Tom "Durrrr" Dwan (the newest member of the Team), Andy Bloch, and Chris Ferguson have been eliminated, leaving the other two-thirds of the Team contingent to represent their sponsoring site.
On the good side of things, Phil Ivey leads the pack with his stack of 27,600, and the rest of his Teammates stack up thusly:
Phil Ivey - 27,600
Allen Cunningham - 10,400
John Juanda - 9,100
Howard Lederer - 7,500
Mike Matusow - 7,075
Erik Seidel - 4,025
Chris Ferguson - 0
Andy Bloch - 0
Tom Dwan - 0