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2011 EPT Deauville

Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2011 EPT Deauville

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Level: 30

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 15,000

Cohen Makes Own Decision, Evens Up the Stacks

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Lucien Cohen min-raised from the button and Alex Wice called in the big blind to see a {6-Spades}{j-Clubs}{a-Hearts} flop. Wice checked and Cohen bet 200,000, but Wice now check-raised to 650,000. Cohen tanked up for a while but apparently did not need to ask his plastic rat's advice on this one - he re-popped to 1.3 million on his own initiative and Wice snap-folded

The stacks are virtually even between the three players now.

Tags: Lucien CohenAlex Wice

In Deauville, the Pest Controls You

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Lucien Cohen made it 280,000 from the button and Martin Jacobson in the small blind apparently froze for a few seconds. When he reanimated, it was to reraise to 950,000.

Cohen asked the dealer in French how much it was, then announced that he was going to consult his rat. He leant over into his bag where the rat resides between celebrations, and then folded.

Cohen - 7.5 million
Jacobson - around 9 million

Tags: Lucien CohenMartin Jacobson

The Dancing Rat

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
The Dancing Rat
The Dancing Rat

Lucien Cohen is enjoying himself out there are the moment. Alex Wice and Martin Jacobson have faces etched with seriousness while Cohen just keeps dancing.

Wice raises to 250,000 and Cohen calls. The flop is {10-Diamonds} {j-Diamonds} {5-Hearts} and Wice leads out with a bet of 400,000 and Cohen calls. The turn and river are both checked {9-Clubs} & {6-Clubs} and Wice shows {7-Diamonds} {9-Hearts} for a pair and Cohen mucks his unseen cards.

Jacobson gets a walk before Cohen bets 300,000 and Jacobson calls in the small blind. The flop is {8-Hearts} {3-Clubs} {4-Diamonds} and both players check. The turn is the {8-Clubs} and Jacobson bets 400,000 which is called by Cohen. The river is the {10-Hearts} and both players check. Jacobson tables {a-Clubs} {7-Clubs} and Cohen tables {a-Spades} {9-Spades} to take the pot down with a higher kicker.

Cohen celebrates as you would expect by dancing and shouting. Wice and Jacobson just sit motionless probably hoping for a big cat to come along and join the party?

Tags: Alex WiceLucien CohenMartin Jacobson

Turbo S'n'G

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Alex Wice's super-fast style has rubbed off on Martin Jacobson slightly, who has also speeded up his game. We did see the longest dwell from Wice when Jacobson raised, blind-on-blind, to 250,000 before betting another 250,000 on the {A-Hearts} {Q-Spades} {Q-Hearts} flop (which Wice called) and then 650,000 on the {9-Clubs} turn. Wice took almost a minute (a long time by his standards) to fold his hand.

A couple of minutes later Wice raised to 250,000 from the button and Lucien Cohen made it 450,000 in the small blind, instant call.

The flop came {K-Clubs} {5-Diamonds} {3-Spades} and Cohen bet 400,000, Wice quickly called that and then another 500,000 on the {6-Spades} turn. The river was the {4-Spades} and Cohen checked which led to the Canadian quickly firing 1.4 million. Cohen instantly check-raised all-in and Wice looked non-plussed, "I have two pair," before he folded.

Cohen then got out of his chair and did a dance that could only be described as "Your dad at a wedding". The Frenchman did pick up around 2.75 million chips in that pot though.

Tags: Lucien CohenMartin jacobsonAlex Wice

Wice Slows Down

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Alex Wice min-raised on the button and Lucien Cohen called from the small blind. Jacobson folded his big blind and they went heads up to a flop.

Both players checked the {3-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{a-Spades} flop and Cohen checked the {10-Clubs} turn as well. Wice bet 150,000, and Cohen now check-raised to 350,000, prompting the first bit of real tanking we've seen from Wice - four seconds. Eventually - and it seemed like aeons - he called.

The river was the {a-Diamonds} and Cohen peered at his hole cards before checking. Wice tanked up endlessly - perhaps three seconds this time - and then checked behind, turning over {k-Hearts}{3-Hearts} for two pair. Cohen mucked, and the pot went to Wice.

Tags: Alex WiceLucien Cohen

Julien Claudepierre is Eliminated in 4th Place (�260,000)

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
Julien Claudepierre eliminated in 4th place
Julien Claudepierre eliminated in 4th place

Alex Wice raises to 200,000 and Julien Claudepierre moved all-in. Wice immediately asked the dealer for a count. The response was 2.15 million.

Wice did something peculiar but it is something we have seen him do before during this tournament. He started using his finger as a pen and the table as his calculator. After drawing some imaginary squares, lines and dots he pushed 2.15 million over the line to indicate the call.

Wice: {q-Clubs} {j-Clubs}
Claudepierre: {a-Clubs} {5-Clubs}

The flop propelled Wice into the lead {6-Clubs} {8-Hearts} {j-Diamonds}. The turn gave Claudepierre some more outs with a gut shot straight draw to add to his ace when the {4-Diamonds} was turned by the Dealer. In the end the {4-Spades} ensured there would only be three players left.

Tags: Alex WiceJulien Claudepierre