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2010 PokerStars.net NAPT Mohegan Sun

2010 PokerStars.net NAPT Mohegan Sun Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.net NAPT Mohegan Sun

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

No Call for Melville

Under the gun Alistar Melville moved all in. Scott Seiver, frustrated after repeatedly moving in without being called, asked, "How much?" His question drew some chuckles from the table, since it seems the only way for Seiver to double is by calling someone else's all in. The count was 1,430,000. Seiver thought it over but eventually folded. Each of the other players followed suit.

Tags: Alistar Melville

Sign Language

Vanessa Selbst's fans have taken the art of railing to a new level. Here is just a sample of the signs they've been holding up. With a stack of blank pages and a few sharpies, we're sure they'll come up with more before the end of the day.


Vanessa, Will you go to prom with me?

You can't spell BEST(ls) without Selbst



I <3 sandwiches!


Team Vanessa F YEAH

Tags: Vanessa Selbst

Big Move for Beasley

Beasley sits motionless as Woods tanks
Beasley sits motionless as Woods tanks
Mike Beasley raised to 225,000 in the cutoff and Mike Woods re-raised an additional 500,000 on the button.

Alistar Melville quickly passed and Scott Seiver went into the tank in the big blind. After about two minutes he gave it up and action was back on Beasley. He also gave the hand some deep thought before announcing he was all in. Woods asked for a count and it was an additional 2.45 million.

Woods stared Beasley down for a good three minutes before mucking pocket eights face up.

Tags: Michael WoodsMike Beasley

Derek Raymond Eliminated in 6th Place ($115,000)

Raymond and Selbst sweat it out.
Raymond and Selbst sweat it out.
An unusual hand results in the elimination of Derek Raymond in 6th place from NAPT 2010 Mohegan Sun. Alistar Melville and Vanessa Selbst limped into the pot in front of Derek Raymond. He raised to 395,000 on the button, folding the blinds and Melville.

With action back to Selbst, she limp-re-raised to 3.7 million. "I know you didn't expect that," she told Raymond. Raymond looked perplexed and uncomfortable.

"See, it's not as much fun when you're in a hand with her," joked Mike Beasley.

Raymond tanked for several minutes. Selbst said something else to him (we couldn't hear it) and within ten seconds Raymond called. Selbst seemed surprised and very unhappy. Take us to the reveal!

Selbst: {6-Diamonds} {6-Spades}
Raymond: {A-Clubs} {10-Hearts}

It was a rather surprising and gutsy call from Raymond. He was the player at risk, putting roughly 2.2 million chips in the pot with a marginal hand. Raymond's tournament had come down to winning a flip against Selbst.

The flop of {Q-Hearts} {K-Clubs} {7-Clubs} didn't improve either player, but it did give Raymond a few extra outs. Selbst made a small fist pump when the turn came clean {8-Spades} and another when the river blanked {4-Diamonds}. Raymond was eliminated in 6th place and Selbst increased her chip lead.

Selbst Pushes Melville Around

Alistar Melville raised to 275,000 on the button, and Vanessa Selbst made the call. The flop fell {Q-Hearts} {J-Clubs} {4-Clubs}, and Selbst checked. Alistar bet 375,000, and Selbst applied maximum pressure - raising all in. Faced with the choice for his tournament life, Melville looked sick. It took him about a minute to find an unhappy fold.

Tags: Alistar MelvilleVanessa Selbst

Melville Picks One from Beasley

Alistar Melville
Alistar Melville
Action folded to Mike Beasley on the button. He raised to 180,000. Mike Woods passed in the small blind and then Alistar Melville was in the big blind. He paused and then made the call.

The flop came down {A-Hearts}{7-Spades}{6-Clubs} and Melville was first up. He checked to Beasley, who fired a continuation bet of 305,000 in position. Melville reached, grabbed and called.

The turn brought the {5-Spades}, completing some straight possibilities. Melville checked. Beasley checked behind.

The final card on board was the {4-Clubs}, putting some more straight thoughts out there. Melville quickly fired 275,000 into Beasley. The Hollywood, Florida native took a few minutes with his decision before folding his hand. Melville's fans gave him a round of applause as the pot was pushed his way and added to his stack.

Tags: Alistar MelvilleMike Beasley

Mike Versus Mike Battle in the Blinds

Action folded to Mike Beasley in the small blind. He raised to 230,000 with Mike Woods left to act in the big blind. Woods took his time and then eventually made the call.

For 230,000 chips each, Mike and Mike saw the flop come down {K-Spades}{9-Clubs}{2-Spades} and Beasley checked. Woods checked behind.

The turn added the {Q-Clubs} to the board. Beasley checked and then Woods checked behind.,

The river was the {4-Spades} and Beasley wasn't checking this time. Instead, he fired a bet of 280,000. Woods went into the tank. When he finally came to his decision, it was to fold his hand and Beasley was awarded the pot.

Tags: Mike BeasleyMike Woods

Raymond Wins Out of Position Against Selbst

Derek Raymond
Derek Raymond
Vanessa Selbst raised to 210,000 from the button. Derek Raymond was in the small blind and made the call. Mike Beasley was in the big blind and tossed his hand away, leaving the other two heads up to the flop.

The first three community cards were the {10-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}. Raymond checked and Selbst checked behind.

The turn brought the {A-Diamonds}. Raymond checked and Selsbt checked again.

The river card was the {J-Hearts}. Raymond fired 385,000 into Selbst. After a few moments, Selbst mucked and Raymond scooped the pot.

Tags: Derek RaymondVanessa Selbst