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2010 PaddyPowerPoker.com Irish Poker Open

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 PaddyPowerPoker.com Irish Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

One Miiiiiiillion

Couldn't quite make out all the action, but on the turn of a {2-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{8-Clubs} board, Paul Carr bet a monstrous one million, which was more than enough to pick up the pot.

Mitchell Comes Back

James Mitchell raised preflop once more and Paul Carr quickly defended.

The flop was {9-Clubs} {7-Spades} {2-Clubs} and Carr lead for 200,000. Mitchell raised to 575,000 and Carr insantly folded.

Carr Speeds Ahead

Phil Carr had limped the button, before calling a bet from James Mitchell. Then, on the {Q-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{5-Hearts} flop, fireworks, as Mitchell check-raised all in only to be snap-called by Carr.

Mitchell: {K-Hearts}{5-Clubs}
Carr: {A-Spades}{A-Clubs}

Board: {Q-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}

Carr doubles up and the crowd go wild!

James Mitchell Doubles Up

James Mitchell opened to 130,000 before Paul Carr reraised to 550,000 one more. Mitchell shoved and Carr called instantly.

Mitchell: {A-Clubs} {9-Clubs}
Carr: {A-Spades} {6-Diamonds}

The board came {K-Diamonds} {Q-Clubs} {3-Diamonds} {10-Clubs} giving Mitchell the nut flush draw but then the river was the {6-Clubs} and Carr's rail went ballistic thinking he'd won. But Mitchell had rivered the nut flush and doubles up to about 4,600,000 and more importantly the chip lead.

Carr Strikes Back

Paul Carr raised it up from the button, only for James Mitchell to three-bet to 425,000. Carr flat called.

Flop: {K-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{6-Hearts}

Check, check.

Turn: {8-Diamonds}

Mitchell bet 400,000, Carr announced all-in, Mitchell folded.

Carr Stalls

Paul Carr raised to 135,000 and James Mitchell called.

Both checked the {2-Spades} {6-Spades} {8-Clubs} flop before Mitchell fired 165,000 on the {4-Hearts} turn and 270,000 on the {J-Hearts} river. Carr quickly called both bets and showed {5-?} {5-?} but lost out to Mitchell's {9-?} {8-?}.

Level: 28

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 4,000

Power Poker

With the board reading {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{3-Spades}, Jamie Mitchell bet 155,000 and Paul Carr grabbed a chunk of black chips and shoved 550,000 across the line. Mitchell folded.

This has been the pattern of events heads-up, Carr using his chips to push his opponent around, overbetting pots and putting opponents to the test for what will ultimately be their entire stack. So far, it seems to be working.