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2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

$550 H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 2
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
10,780 AUD
Event Info
500 AUD
Prize Pool
38,500 AUD
Level Info
0 / 0

Level: 15

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Arazi Crippled By Three-Outer


Four players limped into the pot and saw a cheap flop of {2-Hearts}{A-Spades}{4-Diamonds}. The action was checked to Andrew Demetriou in the cutoff who bet out for 6,000. Sean Arazi then check-raised to 12,000 folding out the other two players. Demetriou then made the 3-bet and Arazi capped the action. Demetriou called as a big pot was brewing.

The turn was the {J-Diamonds} after a bet and another raise, Demetriou was all in and the cards were tabled.

Arazi: {A-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}
Demetriou: {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs}

"Ace-Two, that's what I put you on!" exclaimed Demetriou as the river bricked the {8-Diamonds} to leave Arazi with only spare change as Demetriou doubled to 126,000.

Karib Doubles Through Arazi


In a battle of the blinds Sean Arazi raised to 12,000 from the small blind before Karib Karib reraised to 18,000 in the big blind. Arazi made the call.

The flop came {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. Arazi checked, Karib bet 6,000 and Arazi called. The turn was the {A-Spades} and again the bet from Karib was called by Arazi.

The river landed the {9-Spades} and Karib was all in for his last 1,500. Arazi called but Karib flipped {A-Hearts}{6-Hearts} for a full house as Arazi flashed the {9-Hearts} before mucking.

Karib finds the double up to get himself back to 75,000 with Arazi falling to 55,500.

Georgoulas Scoops a Big One From Cabrera

Stud Hi/Lo:

Steve Topakas brought in again on this hand and said "Again?!?! You're going to bust me mate!" Nick Georgoulas raised and Abel Cabrera called. The short-stacked Topakas folded after a moment of thought.

Georgoulas and Cabrera checked fourth. On fifth, Cabrera bet and Georgoulas raised. Cabrera called. On sixth, Cabrera checked and Georgoulas bet. Cabrera called. On seventh, both players checked and Georgoulas turned over his down cards to expose his pair of kings.

Cabrera took a long, hard squeeze, but could only muster a pair of sevens in the end. "I started with a monster hand," complained Cabrera.

Cabrera: ({8-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds}) {7-Diamonds} {7-Spades} {2-Clubs} {Q-Clubs} ({10-Clubs})
Georgoulas: ({K-Clubs} {J-Hearts}) {K-Hearts} {4-Spades} {Q-Hearts} {9-Clubs} ({8-Hearts})

With that pot, Georgoulas now has 110,000 and Cabrera is back to 134,000.

Tags: Abel CabreraNick Georgalous

Georgoulas and Karib Chop

Stud H/L:

Karib Karib fired bets on third and fifth streets, and found himself all in on sixth street against Nick Georgoulas.

Both players held sets with Karib improving to a full house to collect the high as Georgoulas managed to find himself a low on the river to collect half the pot.

Karib: ({5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}) {4-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{5-Hearts} ({J-Diamonds})
Georgoulas: ({3-Clubs}{3-Spades}) {4-Spades}{A-Hearts}{5-Spades}{3-Diamonds} ({8-Diamonds})

Karib holds around 38,000 as Georgoulas sits with 72,000.

Level: 14

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Cabrera Takes Chip Lead

Stud H/L:

Abel Cabrera has assumed the tournament chip lead after collecting a surprising scoop against overnight leader Sean Arazi.

Cabrera held {8-Spades}{6-Hearts}{A-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} and could only muster up a pair of eights for the high and an eighty-six low but it was good for both sides of the pot as Arazi slammed his cards into the muck in disgust.

Cabrera is up to 147,000 and Arazi falls to 104,000.

Just Take Back What You Put in

Stud Hi/Lo:

Abel Cabrera surely hasn't been shying away from action at this final table. On this hand, Nick Georgoulas and Cabrera got involved in some back and forth betting and raising on each street.

Cabrera: ({Q-Hearts} {10-Clubs}) {Q-Clubs} {K-Spades} {5-Hearts} {J-Clubs} ({7-Diamonds})
Georgoulas: ({A-Clubs} {9-Diamonds}) {5-Spades} {7-Spades} {5-Diamonds} {6-Spades} ({3-Hearts})

Cabrera made the high with a pair of queens and Georgoulas made the low with 7-6-5-3-A. Both players had about half of their stacks in the middle by seventh street, only to chop it all up at the end of the hand.

Tags: Abel CabreraNick Georgoulas