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2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

$550 H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 2
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Final Results
Winning Hand
10,780 AUD
Event Info
500 AUD
Prize Pool
38,500 AUD
Level Info
0 / 0

Topakas Doubles

Steve Topakas
Steve Topakas

Abel Cabrera bet on third street, but Steve Topakas was the agressor on fourth and sixth streets before betting his last 4,500 on the river.

Cabrera couldn't make the call despite showing ({K-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}) {7-Spades}{4-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} ({10-Spades}) as his kings failed to improve and he realized he was beat as Topakas tabled ({9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}) {9-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{10-Clubs} ({6-Hearts}) for two pair.

Topakas gets himself back in business with 55,000 as Cabrera slips back to 125,000.

Graeme 'Kiwi G' Putt Eliminated in 7th Place ($2,301)

Graeme 'Kiwi G' Putt - 7th Place
Graeme 'Kiwi G' Putt - 7th Place

Sean Arazi brought in on third and Graeme 'Kiwi G' Putt completed. Abel Cabrera then raised to get Arazi out of the hand. Putt called all in for his last 5,000 chips.

Putt: ({7-Spades} {8-Clubs}) {A-Diamonds} {K-Clubs} {6-Diamonds} {Q-Diamonds} ({3-Diamonds})
Cabrera: ({A-Hearts} {3-Spades}) {8-Diamonds} {3-Hearts} {10-Hearts} {6-Spades} ({5-Diamonds})

Putt just couldn't catch a better pair on the seventh-card squeeze and that was it for his tournament. He did take home $2,301 for his efforts.

"You busted me from four tournaments mate, I had to get you in one," said Cabrera as he shook hands with Kiwi G.

Tags: "Kiwi G"Abel CabreraGraeme PuttSean Arazi

Putt Crippled


Graeme Putt was the bring in with the {Q-Hearts} and Steve Topakas completed showing the {A-Hearts}. Putt made the call. Topakas bet on fourth street, checked fifth and fired on sixth with the boards looking as follows:

Putt: (X-X) {Q-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{K-Spades}{K-Clubs}
Topakas: ({Q-Clubs}{9-Spades}) {A-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{8-Spades}{4-Diamonds}

Putt bricked twice on fifth and sixth streets, and was forced to fold when Topakas kept firing despite his own ordinary holding.

Putt is now on life support with only 6,000 chips as Topakas sits with 31,000.

Demetriou Doubles


Andrew Demetriou: ({4-Spades} {2-Hearts}) {5-Hearts} {2-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds} {K-Hearts} ({Q-Hearts})
Nick Georgoulas: ({A-Hearts} {2-Spades}) {K-Clubs} {4-Hearts} {6-Spades} {8-Clubs} ({K-Diamonds})

Georgoulas bet on third, fourth, and fifth. Demetriou called on each street and then called all in on sixth. After the two players squeezed out their last cards, Demetriou's 8-6-4-2-A low was better than Georgoulas' Q-6-5-4-2 low.

Tags: Andrew DemetriouNick Georgoulas

Level: 13

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Face Cards No Good in Razz


Kerry Stead: (X-X) {K-Diamonds}
Graeme 'Kiwi G' Putt: (X-X) {3-Diamonds} {5-Clubs} {9-Diamonds}
Steve Topakas: (X-X) {A-Spades} {4-Spades} {Q-Spades}

On third, Stead brought in, Putt completed, and Topakas called. Stead then got out of the way. On fourth street, Putt bet after Topakas checked. Topakas called. On fifth, Putt bet out and Topakas didn't look too happy as he flipped over his up cards and tossed his hand into the muck.

Kiwi G is now up to 45,000 with Topakas dropping to 35,000.

Tags: "Kiwi G"Graeme PuttKerry SteadSteve Topakas

Razzle Dazzle For Cabrera


Nick Georgoulas was the bring-in with the {K-Clubs} and Abel Cabrera completed showing the {A-Hearts}. Steve Topakas {4-Hearts} and Graeme Putt {2-Spades} both made the call.

Fourth street:

Cabrera: (X-X) {A-Hearts}{5-Clubs}
Topakas: (X-X) {4-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}
Putt: (X-X) {2-Spades}{Q-Clubs}

Cabrera bet out for 4,000 and despite bricking both Topakas and Putt made the call.

Fifth street:

Cabrera: (X-X) {A-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{A-Clubs}
Topakas: (X-X) {4-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}
Putt: (X-X) {2-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{10-Hearts}

Bricks all around as Putt checked to Cabrera who fired again. Topakas moaned in his chair before releasing, as Putt made the call.

Sixth street:

Cabrera: (X-X) {A-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{A-Clubs}{9-Spades}
Putt: (X-X) {2-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{7-Spades}

Once again Cabrera fired out a bet with Putt tanking for a long time before making the call.

Seventh street saw both players check as the cards were tabled:

Cabrera: ({8-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}) {A-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{A-Clubs}{9-Spades} ({10-Spades})
Putt: ({A-Diamonds}{4-Spades}) {2-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{7-Spades} ({4-Clubs})

Putt had paired up on the river to make a ten-low as Cabrera held on with his nine-low to collect the massive pot. Steve Topakas said he started with an ({A-?}{2-?}){4-?} as did Putt, but Razz can be a funny game sometimes as Cabrera stacked up 110,000 chips, leaving Putt on only 20,000.

Georgoulas Gains Some Chips

Nick Georgoulas
Nick Georgoulas

Nick Georgoulas just gained some chips on a recent hand of razz. On third, Karib Karib brought in, Steve Topakas called, as did Georgoulas. On fourth, Georgoulas bet, Karib called, and Topakas folded. On fifth street, Georgoulas bet out again and Karib got out of the way, giving Georgoulas the pot.

Karib: (X-X) {Q-Diamonds} {3-Spades} {Q-Clubs}
Topakas: (X-X) {2-Clubs} {2-Spades}
Georgoulas: (X-X) {2-Diamonds} {9-Hearts} {2-Hearts}

Georgoulas moved up to 99,000 chips on the hand.

Tags: Karib KaribNick GeorgoulasSteve Topakas

Karib Takes Last Hand of Omaha

Karib Karib
Karib Karib
Omaha H/L:

Karib Karib raised to 8,000 from early position and Abel Cabrera made the call in the big blind.

They saw a flop of {7-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{7-Spades} and Cabrera checked to Karib who fired out a bet. Cabrera folded and Karib takes down one of his first pots of this final table.

The players are now onto Razz!