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2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

$10,200 High Stakes H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 1
Event Info

2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia

Event Info
10,000 AUD
Players Left
Level Info
0 / 0

$10,200 High Stakes H.O.R.S.E.

Day 1 Completed

Congratulations to Our Three Champions!

PokerNews' Gloria Balding Interviews the Three Winners
PokerNews' Gloria Balding Interviews the Three Winners
With the elimination of Mark Vos, the three remaining players have decided to chop it up and call it a day early.

"Tony G" Guoga, Billy "The Croc" Argyros, and Van Marcus are the co-champions of the $10,200 High Stakes H.O.R.S.E. event. They had intended to play a winner-take-all match, but the three of them seem quite content to take home a little profit.

"Tony G" Guoga was the chip leader, so he pockets the slightly larger share of the money -- AUD $26,000. Everyone -- expect for Mark Vos -- appeared quite happy with the outcome in what turned out to be the highest-stakes home game in town.

That wraps it up for the High Stakes Event, much sooner and much easier than expected!

Mark Vos Eliminated in 4th Place

Mark Vos - 4th Place
Mark Vos - 4th Place

Tony G comes in raising, and Mark Vos re-raises all in for his last 1,800. Billy the Croc and Tony G both call.

The flop comes {6-Hearts} {3-Clubs} {5-Spades}. The Croc checks, and Tony G bets out, prompting Argyros to fold. With Vos all in and at risk, the hands are shown up:

Vos: {6-Diamonds} {6-Clubs} {A-Clubs} {9-Diamonds}
Guoga: {2-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds} {4-Spades} {K-Clubs}

Vos has flopped top set, but his opponent flopped a straight and has Vos on the brink. He is looking for the board to pair, but the turn and river come {A-Diamonds} and {2-Hearts} respectively, spelling the end for Vos. He is knocked out in 4th place with a big smile.

Tags: Billy ArgyrosGuogaMark VosThe CrocTony G

Vos Doubles Up on Broadway


On the button, Tony G raises, and Mark Vos makes the call. The flop comes {A-Clubs} {J-Hearts} {10-Diamonds}. Guoga bets out, and Vos makes the call, putting himself all in.

Guoga: {3-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} {9-Hearts} {J-Clubs}
Vos: {3-Clubs} {J-Diamonds} {Q-Hearts} {K-Spades}

The turn and river come {K-Diamonds} and {2-Spades} respectively, and Mark Vos earns a timely double up with a Broadway straight.

A Small Bite


Billy "The Croc" Argyros raises under the gun, and "Tony G" Guoga three-bets from the small blind. The Croc calls, and it's heads up to the flop.

It shows up {Q-Hearts} {10-Hearts} {J-Diamonds}. Tony G bets, and The Croc calls.

Fourth street is the {5-Clubs}, and both players check.

The river is the {Q-Diamonds}, and again they both check.

Tony G shows {A-Clubs} {2-Clubs}, while The Croc tables the winning {9-Hearts} {9-Diamonds}.

Tags: Billy ArgyrosGuogaThe CrocTony G

Vos Hurting

Mark Vos
Mark Vos
Mark Vos has been the bring-in boy of late, and it isn't helping his short stack.

Between hands, Vos lamented his predicament. "I think I need some capital for hold'em," he said.

Van Marcus had the quick comeback: "I think you need some razz hands and have to bring it in four or five times." The table shared a chuckle at Vos' expense.

Sure enough, the first hand of Stud 8/b, Vos was the bring-in with the {7-Clubs}. He has been chipped down to 3,100.

Tags: Mark VosVan Marcus

Level: 5

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

James Obst Eliminated in 5th Place

James Obst - 5th Place
James Obst - 5th Place
Stud 8/b:

With just 1,400 chips remaining, James Obst got them all in quickly in a heads up confrontation with Tony Guoga. When all the cards were out, Obst's hand read {3-Clubs} {7-Spades} {2-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} {K-Spades} {K-Clubs} {Q-Diamonds}. He bricked off three times for his low, but did manage to make a pair of kings.

Guoga had that beat though. His hand showed {3-Diamonds} {3-Spades} {5-Spades} {4-Hearts} {10-Spades} {4-Spades} {5-Diamonds}. He picked up the full pot with two pair and sent the young standout James Obst to the rail.

Tags: GuogaJames ObstTony G

Action in Stud Eight

Stud 8/b:

James Obst is the bring in with the {2-Diamonds}. Mark Vos raises the {5-Clubs}, and Billy the Croc reraises showing the {5-Diamonds}. Obst four-bets it, and both opponents call.

Obst: (X-X) {2-Diamonds} {7-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {K-Spades} (X)
Vos: (X-X) {5-Clubs} {3-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds} {J-Clubs} (X)
Argyros: (X-X) {5-Diamonds} {2-Hearts} {8-Clubs} {10-Diamonds} (X)

On fourth street, Obst bet and Vos called. The Croc raised, and Obst reraised. Vos cold-called both bets and The Croc capped it. Both Obst and Vos called once more.

On fifth, Argyros bet, and both opponents called.

On sixth and seventh streets, both men called bets from Argyros again. After the most action-packed Stud 8/b hand yet, the cards were shown down:

Obst: {2-Diamonds} {7-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {K-Spades} ({A-Clubs} {4-Clubs} {10-Spades})
Vos: {5-Clubs} {3-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds} {J-Clubs} ({7-Hearts} {8-Diamonds} {6-Clubs})
Argyros: {5-Diamonds} {2-Hearts} {8-Clubs} {10-Diamonds} ({A-Hearts} {A-Spades} {3-Spades})

Billy The Croc scoops the pot with a pair of aces for the high and an eighty-five low. He is up to 11,800, Vos is down to 16,400, and James Obst is crippled all the way back to 1,400.

Tags: Billy ArgyrosJames ObstMark Vos