Hand #180: Joel Wurtzel shoved from the button and the rest folded.
Hand #181: Sang Liu raised to 4,000,000 from the small blind and Scott Margereson folded.
Hand #182: Margereson completed his small blind and then folded when Wurtzel raised.
Hand #183: Margereson shoved from the button and the blinds folded.
Hand #184: Margereson now shoved from the under-the-gun position and the rest folded again.
Hand #185: Roberly Felicio shoved from the small blind and Liu folded.
Hand #186: Margereson shoved from the small blind and Joel Wurtzel called in the big blind for the 8,275,000 he had in front of him.
Joel Wurtzel:
Scott Margereson:
The board ran out to give them both two pair but Wurtzel the higher kicker to double up.
Hand #187: Felicio got a walk.
Hand #188: Wurtzel raised to 2,500,000 from the button and the blinds folded.
Hand #189: Felicio shoved from the button and both Liu and Margereson folded.
Hand #190: Wurtzel got a walk.
Hand #191: Liu shoved from the under-the-gun position and the rest folded.